
Imaginary chess: if you could invent a totally new piece to chess, what it could it be?


Combining the original pieces together is an old idea, but what if you could invent a totally new imaginary piece? I have a couple of ideas, but you can of course share your own ideas here. happy.png


Long-knight (worth 2 pawns)
Not a very practical piece because it can go only one color squares, but in certain situations it may be nasty and of course it’s faster than the original knight.



Super-pawn (or Soldier) (worth 2 pawns)
Like original pawn, but can also capture ahead and move diagonaly. Doesn’t have double step from starting position, and can be promoted normally.



Joker (worth 2 pawns)
Not a very practical piece because it can go only one color squares, but in certain situations it may be handy. Can hop over a piece like a knight, which may be sometimes practical.



Troubadour (or bard) (worth 2 pawns)
Not a very powerful piece because it's slow and attacks only diagonaly...



Cannon (worth 9 pawns?)
This is a special piece, because it can SHOOT targets instead of capturing by moving. Shoots like a queen moves except can’t shoot right front of himself. The downside is that it can move slowly like the king and can't shoot or capture in close range of course.



Wizard (worth 12 pawns)
This is a very special piece, because it can toss fireballs (SHOOT like the cannon) but also TELEPORT to any empty square and make a MAGICAL SHIELD. Magical shield means, that the wizard can’t be captured in next move. But using magic consumes mana, so wizard can make magic moves only in every second move. Can always move slowly like the king. It's definitely a very powerful piece, but it's weakness is that it can’t capture or shoot like the king, so wizard definitely isn’t a close combat piece.

ps. With wizard is even possible to achieve triple check together with other pieces if the wizard first teleports himself to checking square, because he could actually capture the king only in the third move, so in the second move he is only recharging his mana and actually also checking the king if the opponent didn't do anything to stop the check in the previous move! wink.png



The wizard is absolutely very cool. Maybe it could be with other fairy pieces. same for the cannon.😄😄😄


We have a lone knight (camel) and the joker (alibaba) in the fairy pieces group.




I’ll need to learn how the pieces I have now work better before I add a new one. However, @long_quach has an idea similar to my thought. I’ve envisioned the “Mallet” rubber of course. I’ll use it when I’ve made a particularly idiotic blunder and drop the Mallet in the center of the board while emitting a voracious “Aaaarrrggghhh!” Then calmly walk away from the board and go chop some firewood.

long_quach wrote:

My invention.

The I.E.D.

You write on a piece of paper a "mined" square, empty or occupied on your territory. If occupied, when a piece moves from that square, that square becomes activated. Any piece, friend or foe steps on that square is killed.

Only the referee can see the mined squares, and he's not in the room during play, only when a piece step on the I.E.D. do you call the referee.

All this you posted.


My one is called an "Executioner". While every single opposing piece cowers in fear, it marches to the king and- OFF WITH HIS HEAD.

long_quach wrote:

My invention.

The I.E.D.

You write on a piece of paper a "mined" square, empty or occupied on your territory. If occupied, when a piece moves from that square, that square becomes activated. Any piece, friend or foe steps on that square is killed.

Only the referee can see the mined squares, and he's not in the room during play, only when a piece step on the I.E.D. do you call the referee.

Do you mean that you write a square name on a piece of paper and any piece stepping on the square will be killed? 

Will it be activated throughout the game?




😀😀😀😀😀 funny name.



I'm thinking about the ghost. You have to announce before the game on which square and on which move your ghost will appear. The ghost replaces any piece on that square and can't make further moves. It just blocks the square for the rest of the game.

The Martyr. It explodes and destroys all pieces within one square, but then is removed from the board.

start anti chess all of you or start puzzle


I like the King´s Knight very much.



It would be the doge-duck-grumpy cat

When the king is in Check it can only move one square to block it.

When it is about to be captured it has to move like this

If it is pinned it transforms into grumpy cat and just destroys the game by walking in the board.


Can move like the queen except it can fly over other pieces. However, it can’t land on a square that is occupied by another piece. Attacks with flame breath, which hits three squares away in any direction, however it can also destroy your own pieces if they’re in the way of the attack. Can’t move and attack on the same turn.

My new piece would be called the "Trump", it would replace the King and win the game no matter what you thought the outcome of the game was.

The Bomber

Moves like the Rook but it can’t attack or take the square of another piece. Once per game it can “blow itself up” after moving, destroying any piece that is one square away from it in any direction, even pieces of the same color. The Bomber is then removed from the board.

The Healer

Moves like the King. Gives invulnerability to any piece that is one square away from it (but not opponent’s pieces).

The Necromancer

Moves like the King. Can spend a turn bringing a destroyed piece back into the game in its starting position, with the only condition being that the starting square must be open. This piece cannot attack on its own.

The Bomb.

Moves like a King. Cannot capture anything. Can explode instead of moving, destroying everything (friendly and enemy) within two squares. Does not destroy the King unless the King has no flight square to escape the explosion. Detonates prematurely if an enemy Knight lands on top of it. Cannot be captured (except by the aforementioned Knight detonation) but suffers an induced explosion if caught within the two-square radius of an exploding enemy Bomb.

Archbishop. Moves just like a bishop, except on its move it can change colors by moving to an opposite adjacent color.