
is chess the hardest game?


Go, hands down. I've recently picked up some books at my library to try to get a grip on my game, but it's pretty difficult.

Gonnosuke wrote:

The way you describe it, it almost sounds like baseball with a tea break.

How frightfully uneducated. Cricket precedes baseball by a long way.

Baseball is just cricket for the short attention spanned hoi polloi.

You know a man has been brought up well when he can tell you what all the fielding positions are called.


chess is more than hard


We enjoy a good game of Cricket very much~! (even though ain't never got to crick myself) We did see the entire Test Match several years ago. "England vs The Bloody Aussies". (Perhaps the match of 2005 thru 2006!? Otherwise it must have been that of 2006 thru 2007) However dear lads, you must take care to utilize that referenence only when viewing this brilliant display from within the United Kingdom. As were We. If however, you should instead find yourself to be in such curious circumstance as observing the sublime spectacle from within the desmesnes of the Australian, it then is properly referred to as "English Wankers vs Oz" . . . You shall not wish to confuse the two. (It's not that you would be unduly subjected to a rapid Recognition Of Life Extinction, as if this had transpired at a "Footsie" match. Rather that you may decline to desire having your tea twiddled in. Absolutely, Do NOT ever make mention of this event as "Another Tail Whippin Time For The UKes", as often there Are times when such Americanisms may seem to be most sorely underappreciated. Therefore, never fail to recollect, it is ALWAYS Open Season on Americans abroad. Even in fair London Town it is Only the Scots who are protected under the auspices of the hallowed and vernerable Common Law which does declare;

"Here Ye, Here Ye all men presents; IT Shall Not be legal nor tolerated that any Scot should be shot down upon any day of the Queen's week, excepting it be a Tuesday" ...unless of course, their bolloX are visible {pro ipso facto eo ipso}.)

The English players won & got to bring their silver cup home. (Personally, I'd think Spandex would be more comfortable; or steel for really wild Boulders ...) Tho it was hard to commit ALL the fielding positions, I wanted them all committed. To show I too was been brought up right proper. Uh, properly. I is willying to share my culturing with alls a you; so's now yous'es all be brought up welly too.

FIRSTLY you gots that guy with white hair spikes tossing his balls around. That is The Boulder. Unless he is the Spin-Boulder, or the Side-Arm Boulder. ( It is improper to call him "GUY WHO DOES ALL THE RUNNING, IN THE GRASS")

I tell you What, Whatever kinda Boulder he be, he Gonna CHEET! Yeah, everyone of dem Boulders gonna throw that itty bitty Bowling-Ball right down In The DIRT. Bcuz then - the Swatter he gone and toss it to can't see it so good. Dem Boulders pretty sly, don't never spit on their balls so's they be seen at it. (But maybe spittin on they hands ... I dunno. But he throw so many in the Dirt, they make him use a new ball e v e r y time. Dat don't stop em. Theys don't seem to unerstan, dat ball still got Dirt On IT~! Daymb)
His MATES occupy the field positions: 


There's also the Worthy Opponents who try to score on the Fielders, collectively designated "Them Yobs". The VICTIM for Them Yobs must try to jump in front of the bowling-ball, before it can knock a puck off the Sticky-Wicket (which oddly enough, is made of Sticks --- Proving they was Created divinely; not Evolved from umbrella handles~!)

If he can do it, The VICTIM gets to go home to the Pub, until the day his Mates take the Field. But it is not that easy, cuz when Dude is trying to do it, he must also swing his Rowboat Oar in front of him ...and sometimes the Bowling-Ball will hit IT instead of Dude~! And if it do THAT, THEN he got to RUN back and forth between two Wickets-of-sticks until he be tired; if he's feeling up to it (and is not too upset he done went & swatted the ball). Of course Cricket is HARD; but Civilized. So no body gonna make him Run if he don't really have the mood on him. IF he DO feel the Urge, then he Got To RUN...
[There ain't no BUSHES... They don't really LIKE Bushes, over there]

And if there be any doubt he swatted the ball, or took it like a man, then "That Bloke in Blinders" will rat him out.
Now while this all goin on, the Victim's Mates are tending to their own positions. You got:
Guy sitting on chair drinking tea,
Guy sitting on chair drinking tea,
Guy sitting on chair drinking tea,
Guy sitting on chair drinking tea,
Guy sitting on chair drinking tea,
& Guy on his 3G ... drinking tea.
Sincerely & Otherwise, BaronDerKilt

PS/ Send only $99.92 and receive your personally autographed copy of: BaronDerKilts, "Complete Guide To Unnerstanning All Them Hard Games, But Not Wives Or Games With No Balls"
PPS// Let me know if your Autograph is very long and I will send the whole page



Life is the hardest game by far,think about it...we are all chess peices in a game between the Most high... and Satan.....who side are you on,what are you? pawn....bishop...knight....rook..or are you as strong as the queen in the eyes of good.....or evil.(hummm????)


I'm glad everyone agrees that chess is a game. I know that many argue that it's a sport!

LisaV wrote:

I've heard checkers and Go.

Training boyfriends/husbands.  ;)

Everyone knows boyfriends/husbands CANNOT be trained....i should know, i am one. 

Anyway, does this have to be a board game?  because i think criket is beyond hard to understand.


Crikey, I jist explained Cricket~! Bring me Clai'amore. (That's Scotchish for whippin stick ... or stick love. I'm always forgettin)

ps// We shoulda said "sippin tea", for We dont drink, We sip (or tip).


Right, sorry  mate, clear as mud.

I was just comparing it to an american sport such as: basketball where a bunch of dudes just run around thumping their chests and missing free throws.

but back on topic, chess is hard enough for me and my old brain.


The answer to the original question is simply "no". Go is harder in quantifiable ways. There are more possible moves at a position in Go, and the number of possible games is greater. Also the games are longer, so Go is both "wider" and "deeper". The high "branching factor" has made Go very difficult for computers - they are only at the strong amateur level so far at the 19x19 game, and simply cannot achieve the thorough search that modern computers do at chess to a large depth. However, it would be very easy to invent a game more difficult than Go, and it would not necessarily make it a better game. Chess is complicated enough for humans.


My friend and I dicussed this recently. Chess and poker are fairly similar, actually, with no limit Texas hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo actually approaching the level of complexity in chess. - particularly when you take pot odds and betting patterns into account. The one thing about chess that makes it unique, though, is that it's a game of complete information, whereas many other games (i.e. poker, Scrabble, bridge) are games of incomplete information - not all players see what resources the other players have. A great deal of time is spent playing the player in those other games, whereas in chess, we've a saying "Play the board, not the man". Unless you're Simon Webb, of course.... Smile

The heuristic of (limit) poker - and many other games - is generally smaller than that of chess, but the other factors abovementioned may still challenge some people more than others... logically speaking, the chess range of decisions blows up very quickly after the first few moves, whereas the options for decision making are fairly constant in many other games.

So it's Go/Shogi/Chess > No-Limit/Pot Limit Poker > Fixed Limit Poker > Bridge > Scrabble > Monopoly > Backgammon > ??? > Uno, or something like that. YMMV.