
Is there any chance that a 1300 rated player can beat a 2700 rated player?

bigpoison wrote:

Way back in the day, I knocked Joe Louis to the canvas.  Then only a couple years later, I for some reason, had dropped two weight classes and knocked out Jake LaMotta.  Somehow, though, after both of those fights, I lost to club fighters in little towns.

I was one of those club fighters. I got myself pumped up 'cause I heard you had trashed some legends.

Then, of course, my head got big and I started losing bar brawls.


I've beaten Magnus Carlsen several times.


What about winning on time? 


Only on time.



Proved it yes. 


I'll take "Thread's that We Should Just Let Die" for 1000 Alex.


For those new to this thread, the answer is no.


Please delete this thread.  Someone. Anyone.  


Yeah this is one of those forums where I say, why would you even ask that? What do you think?



Fixing_A_Hole wrote:

Please delete this thread.  Someone. Anyone.  

What about the 50+ poker threads? Can they delete those?

InDetention написав:

no, here user with 2700+ played much-much weeker then 2700 (even 2000 plays stronger) and this 1300 played much-much stronger then 1300. 

And the question was "true 1300" beat "true 2700". When you really play in 1300 strenght and opponent in true 2700 power. The answer then is obvious - it's "NO WAY".


Less than 1% unless it was an underrated rapid improver who was more like 1700ish strength.   And even then, to win against a super GM would be all but impossible.  I've seen 1800ish players beat 2500ish players, and even that is rare.


If the 2700 was a "genuine 2700" and the 1300 was a "genuine 1300", the 2700 would have to do one of the following:

1). put themselves in a position that was an obvious mate in 1 or 2 (obvious to a 1300)

2). be left with only their King against King and Queen or King and Rook

3). lose a horrific amount of material and then play like a 1300 for the rest of the game


If taken seriously, not a chance.


If Radiavbov came to my club, and played simultan against 30 players , he might loose to a couple of 1400s, some stronger players, and maybe a very young 1300 on the way up. A GM will have big trouble against a bunch of clubplayers in simultan, because of the short bulletlike time he has.


@DjonniDerevnja No way man. If you gave 1300s and 1400s half an hour and Teymour Radjabov two minutes on the clock, Radjabov would win every game.


But guys, of course to lose to a 1300 a 2700 would have to play worse than 2700, but he would still be a 2700 by rating (if not for long haha). People can have bad games. That said, losing to a 1300 would be worse than I can imagine. But this distinction between "true 1300" and untrue 1300- I don't buy it.


Flip the board around a couple of times.

Play poker.

Spend 5+ years studying chess, then play.

Choose your opponent's first two moves.


What a great question. (sarcasm)

If they cheated they could...maybe...

Or drugged the guy...

or held him at gunpoint...threatened his family...