
kid-infested weekend tournament : Trophy vs. Cash?


I'm being asked to regularly run a weekend USCF tournament at a "Math and Science for kids" institute in the city.  Expect a turnout of 12-16 kids at a time.

The last few times I subbed for the regular TD, I was greeted with groans from the little munchkins when I announced that 1st place was 15 dollars and 2nd place was 10 (given that the Entry fee itself was 10 to begin with!)

Yes, this *is* meant to be a for profit tournament and while I'm not complaining about the money they're paying me to run these events, I was wondering if a "take home and feel proud" inscribed trophy makes more sense than a 10-15 dollar cash award?  I'd prefer to convert the entire 10+15 prize fund into trophies ... if they don't cost much, maybe even have 3rd or 4th place so that everyone can compete for a position.

Wanted to get your thoughts => If you were a chess parent or played a lot of tournaments when you were a kid, would a shiny trophy (of unknown value) mean more to you or hard cash?


I'd want the trophy Smile that way you could show it off.  I wonder how much they cost though.


Well, I have a couple trophies on my top shelf, and I am proud of them. They certainly last longer than money (apart from the annual ones which I have to return at the end of the next season... bah!). All in all, I think trophies are better than cash prizes, for kids at least. How are they supposed to appreciate even a $30 prize when games consoles range in the hundreds? A trophy is something that cannot be 'bought'- well, at least they will see it that way.


Given that the entry fee is low, you will find it more profitable to give out trophies. Those that find cash prizes as necessary for participation usually are willing to pay more a chance to win more money and won't play in your tournament anyway.


Trophies all the way!


Compared to that amount of money a trophy would be cooler.


As a kid, I was super-pumped up to get a trophy.  $15 is nothing to a kid.  Or most adults for that matter.


Somebody has to say it: those prizes are mean.


I run 4-5 days a year hosting between 10-40 players and do it for the love of the game. When I sit down at events other player's have organised, I do so in the knowledge that I've paid my dues.

What ever happened to that?


I agree, my kids like money - but they love trophies.  You did not mention the age of the kids, I am assuming elementary aged.


it's not only kids that like a trophy.

If I had to choose between a trophy and 50$.  I would select the trophy. 

see my thread:

PrawnEatsPrawn wrote:

Somebody has to say it: those prizes are mean.


I run 4-5 days a year hosting between 10-40 players and do it for the love of the game. When I sit down at events other player's have organised, I do so in the knowledge that I've paid my dues.

What ever happened to that?

Thanks for pointing that out ... that prize distribution redefines suck.

If it were my club and my show all the way, I'd easily do a 80-90% EF prize distribution. In fact, the club where I am the official TD enforces this rule and we've kept our patrons happy for the past 2-3 years.

Now when I'm filling in as TD for somebody else's show, I presently don't have enough leverage to change things around . ... so wanted to make the best of a clearly bad situation (in terms of player prizes) and minimize the groans of players having to fight 4 rounds to win what most kids today would consider lunch money.

orangehonda wrote:

I'd want the trophy that way you could show it off.  I wonder how much they cost though.

Most of them are so ridiculously low priced that I almost expect them to ooze asbestos and lead into your room while you're asleep. :)

Archaic71 wrote:

I agree, my kids like money - but they love trophies.  You did not mention the age of the kids, I am assuming elementary aged.

Pretty much in the 7-12 range. Most of them will probably play a USCF rated tournament for the very first time!


If you have a lot of first-timers then trophies are the way to go.  I'm surprised so many people say they'd take trophies over money so often, though.  The only trophies I'd be proud enough to display are state or national ones, but that of course means winning prestigious events.  In general, I think it's much better to return cash prizes, even if they are meager (I play Wednesday nights at DCC all the time where often 1st place is no more than $5 above what the entry fee was).  

I'm in the process of moving and looking to downsize my my possessions - all my chess trophies are going in the trash!  

Also, I think if you have high school kids, money should definitely be given out.  There were a lot of scholastic tournaments that I had no interest in playing while I was in high school because the entry fee was absurd ($40+) and all that was given in return were trophies.  I feel like chess is a nice cheap hobby which can be self sustaining if you're talented and willing to put in work so that you're better than other players in your class (yes, I think class prizes are a good idea).


Today, yeah, I'd take 50$ over a 1st in class trophy every time.  If it was a state championship a plaque for 1st in class would be nice though Smile  But a weekend tourney, money every time.

But for kids I think it's different, I'd much rather have shivsky's asbestos and lead oozing trophies heh.


What if the goal was to promote chess and convince the "let's try this just once" parents to get the kids into the circuit on a regular basis.

A kid's ability to succeed at something he's passionate about depends on parents who see that activity as worthwhile.   I'd think even the most indifferent parent would start to beam a little with pride if their kid brought home something tangible beyond a 10$ cash prize.

Might also consider a middle ground such as a laminated certificate to go with the  cash prize.   It's easy on the pockets and you still have the kids coming home with something to make them feel special.


trophy is great  idea,especeally for the kids.


lol @ "kid infested". Make em sound like roaches 

aj415 wrote:

lol @ "kid infested". Make em sound like roaches 

Not really the intention ... just that I've been told by the organizers that these are open tournaments but I've seldom seen an adult playing the last few times I've run them. :)


It's too bad that USCF chess is so expensive. I can see how it's difficult to offer substantial cash prizes when you have to pay for the venue and staff (if you don't have any volunteers). Even a 1st place finish doesn't put you in the money when you consider not only travel costs, but also membership dues.

It's much easier for kids to just get their chess fix for free at the school and/or local club and spend that $10 bucks on another hobby.