
Music and Chess


What music do you like to listen to while playing? I'm a Zeppelin fan, but lately I've been listening to Coltrane when I'm playing.


It depends on what I'm playing. (I'm a classic jazz fan)

Bill Evans is nice to listen to during a high-pressure tournament game against a stronger player... it's very relaxing. I like Miles Davis for that kind of a situation too.

Any of the major big bands - Ellington, Basie, Gleen Miller - are fun to listen to in blitz matches. If I'm feeling rebellious, I'll put on some Brecker or Joe Henderson and see what kind of ideas those give me - one time I heard Brecker play a pentatonic tritone substitution (Don't ask, it's music theory crap), then sacrificed a rook and a minor piece, and won the game fifteen moves later. It was great. Brecker & Pat Metheney playing Summertime is now my lucky blitz track...


mount fuji doom jazz, angelo badalamenti, madlib, anything trippy or ambient is nice