
Need Help With Blunders


Hey guys! Last month, I peaked at 1473 ELO..As of right now, I've tilted down to a 1318 (Rapid). I analyzed my games, and I'm blundering damn near every game. How do I get out of this slump?



You got this, you beautiful man, you



Check your intended move is no blunder before you play it.
Think about your move, decide. Do not play your intended move. Imagine it played and check it is no blunder, does not hang any piece or pawn, does not run into checkmate. Only then play it.
'Sit on your hands' - Tarrasch


Why advise someone that's too lazy to even put up a pfp?


Do reduce blunders, the tip you get from GMs is to do puzzles.

They dont only help to recognize mate and other patterns, but they also help with general board awareness and being aware if your attacked piece isnt defended, if you are overtaxing a piece, etc.

Trokly34 wrote:

Hey there! Sorry to hear about the tilt, we've all been there. Have you checked out ChessMood? They've got some great resources to help get your game back on track. Their opening courses and tactics training can really help cut down on those blunders. Plus, the community is super supportive. Give it a shot, might be just what you need to bounce back! 🚀👊

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck,


There is a training ninja course on the platform which teaches you a variety chess openings


Checks captures attacks

Then ask yourself what does my opponent want ?



@thenik6 one thing I like to do is use an external mouse and the right click feature to draw arows over the position. This makes it easier for me to try not to blunder. My peak is only 517 rapid so take that advice with a grain of salt. However, I do know this stratagy has made me so much better.