
Nine queens

 tonydal wrote:

OK, now I wanna see both sides get 9 queens...

I'm sure it can be done much, much more efficiently, but just to demonstrate that it is possible:




@psyduck: No, white plays 69. Qxb6 instead of Ke7, hence the draw.


parodox, i know you're joking, but these really do make interesting puzzles


Here's a more interesting puzzle with Queens:









Mate in one for whoever goes first. As White, can you spot the only move that wins for White? Actually, there are two, but one is too embarassing to show.

Also note that this game can in fact arise from a real game.

sprinky62 wrote:

     It's too bad that you've met your match ( and have lost) and have now resorted to limericks, (seriously?). I really can't help but feel sorry for a person like you; sitting there all alone, nobody human to talk to, just sitting there, picking your nose and wiping it on your shirt like the grease from your bag of potato chips; oh and don't forget to feed your goldfish. Try to have a Merry Chistmas (If you try to be a little less of an egotistical asshole you may finnally have one), good luck. There is hope even for someone like you. But intense professional care seems your best bet.

I had assumed he would eat it, rather than wipe it on his shirt. So hard to judge these things over the interweb


     Now why is it tonydoll thinks he is being refered to? Could it be that ego of his (he is an FM he'll have you know) or is it a bit of paranoia? Or does it describe him so acurately that he thinks I must be talking about his pitiful life? No matter what the answer is; my apothy is only exceded by my boredom. Both sides can get nine queens each.


Or could it be because he's the only one who's posted a limerick in this thread?


im pretty sure that image is nsfw. He's too darn sexy.


Okay, that's one of the creepiest pictures I've ever seenSurprised

edit: I'm talking about post#38


tonydal a FM ? he is a NM !

tonydal wrote:

Now whose panties are all in a twist, sprinky?..

 Sorry again, still yours.

 Just give up; you, trying to beat me, is the same as you trying to push on a chain. You 're expending all this effort and geting nowhere. Why not go back to picking your nose and feeding your fish? (Unless, of course, you prefer to dine on what you get from your nose. "You are what you eat")


     And you have lots of other pictures, I'm sure, like the ones you've taken of the neighborhood girls and boys; all you had to do was give them a little candy and get them into your mom's basement... 


chess is just something to fill the time while his pics are downloading.

sprinky62 wrote:
tonydal wrote:

Now whose panties are all in a twist, sprinky?..

 Sorry again, still yours.

 Just give up; you, trying to beat me, is the same as you trying to push on a chain. You 're expending all this effort and geting nowhere. Why not go back to picking your nose and feeding your fish? (Unless, of course, you prefer to dine on what you get from your nose. "You are what you eat")

 It seems to me that tonydal's "expending" a lot less effort than you are ;)

And he's gotten somewhere, all right: he's proven that you're immature and ignorant enough to stoop to, and even below, his level. You sort of hurt your own cause (trying to sound like the "bigger man", that is) by resorting to childish name-calling, and ego-revealing phrases like "just give up" and "trying to beat me" don't help either. The best way to deal with silly, off-topic comments/spam is to simply ignore them. 

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