
not trying to win


I played 10 games in a row with none of the others players trying to win. Why? Moving to take peices, chasing pieces, avoiding going after King. Why? Can this be explained?


theyve given up on life

How do you know they weren’t trying to win? Maybe they’re just way worse than you. Maybe they were in an altered state of consciousness. Maybe they were testing out some bold new strategies.

Not trying to win is a major issue on this site. Just wasting my time.


Going after the King is not the only way to win. You can also play to gradually improve your position and win in the endgame.

YettiLaPlace wrote:

I played 10 games in a row with none of the others players trying to win. Why? Moving to take peices, chasing pieces, avoiding going after King. Why? Can this be explained?

well if those people are caught doing it enough times you can report them for sandbagging


Do you even know what sandbagging is? How is sandbagging even relevant to this thread?


Some players might be beginners who are still learning the game. They might focus more on making moves rather than strategic planning to win.


ChessMasteryOfficial - Umm, no. The moves are well planned, rating around 800. That is not that high, but not beginners.


Maybe they are scared as they are new I was like this.


I definitely think there is an unfortunate minority of players who make neutral moves quickly with no intention to win other than on time.


I have experienced this, I think some players deliberately try to lose games to get there rating down ... why would I think this, I had one player who played brilliant he was rated 1350 I struggled and managed to scrape a draw, he then asked fir a rematch and proceeded in the next two games to play so badly, giving away pawn after pawn allowing simple knight forks?!! Playing like a 200 -300 rated for the next two games, offered another rematch which I turned down twice!? I cannot understand why you would want to play this way which seems quite deliberate type of suicide chess?!!