
pawn promotion concept

wouldn't it be more interesting if Queen was not an option seeing how everyone always picks it every time. wouldn't only having the Rook, the Bishop, and the Knight available be more interesting??? that way up down left right or diagonal or the L would be the choices too choose from. Having the Queen even as an option rids out the Bishop or rook as an option ever cuz why not have the best of both worlds instead...I'm sure you can see what it is I'm talking about, what's every or anyone's thoughts upon this??? only time you could pick queen let's say is if you're already missing it only also.....
Still a queen for me please! Except special situations.
In some situations it would be the right choice to promote to a knight, rook, or bishop but I'm most cases it's the queen
Unless you are trying to taunt someone at the end of the game by promoting your pawns into a bunch of rooks and then building a castle out of them
Would ruin tactics, ex Queen sacs to promote. Promoting a pawn is not easy and in itself is probably the longest plan in chess. A plan that can take up to 60 moves should definitely be rewarded with atleast a Queen in my book :)
Somebody promoted all their pawns into rooks and said"this is the arena of time" I think he forgot about the 50 move rule and I drawn. 



I think the concept of promotion is to have enough material to guarantee mate even if everything else is gone.

I don't know if it would be "more" interesting. I like traditional chess the way it is, but it might be a good idea for a fun, slight variant.