
Pressure Sensor of Chess Computer not Working


Hi everybody,

since there is no "Chess Computers" category in the forum, im asking here in the General Discussion..

I have a Radio Shack Chess Computer 2150L Cat No 60-2254, but a few squares of the board are not working.
The pressure sensor may be damaged for this specific squares (about 30 squares).. How can i replace it ?
I could not manage to remove the board sensor… Its stuck in the plastic case..
Take a look at this picture i took:

This is the board front side. There is no way to remove it from here too:

Thank you

Look at the repair section of this site, maybe the instructions for one of the job he has done can help you or give you some ideas (but I would expect you have to peel off the chessboard itself using something thin like a blade)


repair jobs are here