
Question about profile stats


 I am confused about what daily games are and what counts. My profile shows I have only played about 18 daily games but if daily games are what I think they are I have played way more.  Is it that it only counts rated? or what are daily games? I am thinking they are the games that you have to move within 1 / 2 / 3 days etc?

MikeW_86 wrote:

 I am confused about what daily games are and what counts. My profile shows I have only played about 18 daily games but if daily games are what I think they are I have played way more.  Is it that it only counts rated? or what are daily games? I am thinking they are the games that you have to move within 1 / 2 / 3 days etc?


That is what daily games are and only rated games count for the stats.


I concur 110%


its.nice to see you individual record against all the anon people we play. I'm not sure why that would be removed unless it's a premium feature now.

the_craven wrote:

its.nice to see you individual record against all the anon people we play. I'm not sure why that would be removed unless it's a premium feature now.


That exists on the website. On Android it's missing, but I think it's just a bug.


Thanks all for the responses happy.png


martin is it the same for rapid games?

RayvenOdinson wrote:

martin is it the same for rapid games?


Yes, only rated games count for stats.


my profile says I've played over 600 games, has my wins and losses but my son is my most played at over 300 games together but they're unrated. but it shows my wins/losses percentage for what seems to be every game I've ever played, including against my son even though 95% of our games are played unrated.


sorry martin, I have no idea how to reply directly to your comment. 😅


Hi Martin...I was thinking the missing W/L stats on Android is a 'bug' as well. Perhaps the admins will reinstate it. That was a nice bit of information.