
Someone reported me for no reason

Guys, someone reported me cuz i won a game against them and i refused their rematch. What do i do now?
NoodlesEnjoyer wrote:
Guys, someone reported me cuz i won a game against them and i refused their rematch. What do i do now?

You don't need to worry about it. Nothing will happen for not doing a rematch and as long as you didn't do anything against the site TOS you'll be fine.


Don't worry about people reporting you, I have had people threatening to report me, I do not worry if they do and advise others to have same outlook, what's the worst can happen!!? like other online sites get thousands of silly complaints, I am a member on 3 other sites and only one other I consider serious enough to worry if I wasn't able to continue playing!🤔

NoodlesEnjoyer wrote:
Guys, someone reported me cuz i won a game against them and i refused their rematch. What do i do now?

It was for a reason. It was because his finger told him to click on the report button on your post and then pressd the category then pressed send.


This is because nothing happens without a reason.


Don't worry iu shouldn't get banned cause of

Salty chessplayers

BigChessplayer665 wrote:

Don't worry iu shouldn't get banned cause of

Salty chessplayers

You have 146+ IQ


I dont think there is any danger unless you actually cheated, which will very likely find out if you did.


I think online chess sites all have same thing in common: 1.) 35% genuine who have a decent understanding of the game so don't complain when they play bad or blame there opponents


And 2.) 55% who accuse there opponents of unfair play, they are unable to accept they lost due to there own poor play so report everyone!? And 3.)10% who abort there games because they thought they were playing Draughts lolaughes 😜




nothing will happen


I beat a CM in classical before and he started accusing me of cheating in the chat. I just see it as a compliment lol.

NoodlesEnjoyer wrote:
Guys, someone reported me cuz i won a game against them and i refused their rematch. What do i do now?

Not good at all you will get put on the cheaters site like on GTA where everyone cheats ,I was on it once and all the other players pieces are invincible and can not be taken .