
SURVEY: Chess vv chess960





I alrady made a forum about this, but I am making a nother one just to keep this alive.

  • 4 days ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #1



    This is a survey,

    After 50 votes I will make a chart and post it here, so VOTE NOW!

    Wich do you prefer, Chess or Chess960

  • 4 days ago · Quote · #2



  • 4 days ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #3


    Vote 1

  • 4 days ago · Quote · #4


    Chess. I don't know why, chess 960 feels somewhat chaotic. Chess seems to be more beautiful, although chess960 does test the strenght of the player outside memorized lines. Even then, I like to memorize lines and feel secure with them.

  • 4 days ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #5


    Yeah, come on everyone, keep em' comin'

  • 4 days ago · Quote · #6



  • 4 days ago · Quote · #7



  • 4 days ago · Quote · #8


    chess 960, just because opening theory seems to be groving way too much. Not that it matter to me one bit, but on master level

  • 4 days ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #9


    6 votes already, this is great, keep em' commin

  • 46 hours ago · Quote · #10


    chess960 for sure :)

  • 41 hours ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #11


    5 votes Chess,

    2 votes Chess960

    Total=7 votes

  • 41 hours ago · Quote · #12


    Chess 960! Because i feel it's a real test if your skills and tactics! In standard game or chess Anyone can memorize good openings and beautiful openings and hence secure a win but in 960, it's a test of your midllegame understanding and how much u can play tactics! I feel it's the real rating of your skills :-) So my vote - Chess 960

  • 31 hours ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #13


    5 votes Chess,

    3 votes Chess960

    Total=8 votes

  • 21 hours ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #14


    Just a note.

    this forum has also been posted on,'s chess addition for kids, the results show,



    If you add that to the votes posted on here, that totals





You can fine a link to the first forum here.


Each has its own merits, in my opinion.   But I definitely play more standard chess, but the question is: why?  Out of habit?  No, I think it's because the games seem to be more elegant for some reason. :)




Chess960 or Fisher SHUFFLE !!! 

where i click, i wanna go fisher shuffle, i want mi 960 board NOW!!!

960 includes the old chess, and other variants may be good fun, Imagine a Fisher Shuffle where all the pieces are born by a dice, we could see a king and 7 queens, or 7 kings and one queen, I named it Total chess and that variant includes both 960 fisher shuffle and old boring mother fucker studied to the ashes old chess. Say goodbye to the openning theory for ever. We could have a game with no kings (due to simetry of forces) and in that case the last standing piece wins the war. Kings are normal pieces until the only one remais alive. It's ''medieval'' , it is bloody war, blood, sweat, surprises, extremely including, too much endeed. Help ask for that in every good site. The most fun is yet to be sorted out. No new pieces, nothing new to learn , but a completely new madness. A rule like castling can be erased and so it is easier to understand. Castling breakes the physics of chess. Total chess is very wide endeed , just one possibility here, anything you want, promote pawn to pawn ! If you want to !

p p p p  p p p p 

Q R N K  p p B K 

Dice roll = 1 pawn, 2 knight, 3 bishop, 4 rook, 5 queen, 6 king, no new piece, you know what it takes to move. Equal forces guaranteed by mirror simetry. 8 x 8, but soon larger fields may be tryed

LouisFod wrote:

Chess960 or Fisher SHUFFLE !!! 

where i click, i wanna go fisher shuffle, i want mi 960 board NOW!!!

960 includes the old chess, and other variants may be good fun, Imagine a Fisher Shuffle where all the pieces are born by a dice, we could see a king and 7 queens, or 7 kings and one queen, I named it Total chess and that variant includes both 960 fisher shuffle and old boring mother fucker studied to the ashes old chess. Say goodbye to the openning theory for ever. We could have a game with no kings (due to simetry of forces) and in that case the last standing piece wins the war. Kings are normal pieces until the only one remais alive. It's ''medieval'' , it is bloody war, blood, sweat, surprises, extremely including, too much endeed. Help ask for that in every good site. The most fun is yet to be sorted out. No new pieces, nothing new to learn , but a completely new madness. A rule like castling can be erased and so it is easier to understand. Castling breakes the physics of chess. Total chess is very wide endeed , just one possibility here, anything you want, promote pawn to pawn ! If you want to !

p p p p  p p p p 

Q R N K  p p B K 

Dice roll = 1 pawn, 2 knight, 3 bishop, 4 rook, 5 queen, 6 king, no new piece, you know what it takes to move. Equal forces guaranteed by mirror simetry. 8 x 8, but soon larger fields may be tryed

Too late, try joining earlier next time.


i want to play 960 ... (


chess 960 is the future of chess! No opening theory to memorize, just strategy and tactic!

