
The joy you get out of chess


Just thought I share this. Win or lose is not important. 

I still get a thrill whenever I win and feel stupid when I lose. Points and rating are side benefits, but the thrill and adrenaline is what counts for me.

The computer matches you against a more or less equal player.

It's your brain or his brain. Although I have found when I am tired or stressed or had a serious chat with my chess mentor Jack Daniels I might lose more than I win. 


Naaaaw... Ron's hot cousin, Mary Jane, is who ya wanna play chess with ;) 

Joule5 wrote:

Naaaaw... Ron's hot cousin, Mary Jane, is who ya wanna play chess with ;) 

No way !!

I've played with Mary Jane, and it's a complete nightmare !

...Concentration goes out the window.

Now, the fast Mexican mouse, there's a good friend.


You mean this guy? :)


The one and only.


It took me years, but i finally let go of the "Winning is everything" mentality.  Trying to be a nike commercial with legs is tiring, and i dont have the time or desire to "be the best", or prove "Im better than you" 

Chess is a game that i have grown to love, and enjoy.  Its a great way to stay mentally fit, meet to new people, go to new places, meet up with old friends. 

Getting together with a bunch of players on a saturday somewhere, and enjoying the game, company, and no knuckleheads trying to "own" you. 


I find it helps when you are playing on a Saturday somewhere if you have a human fridge with deep freeze attachment standing next to you and you say to your opponent, this is Boris, he does not like it when I lose.