
The Most Embarrassing Way to Lose


So, what do you think is the most embarrassing way to lose? A way to lose that makes you feel so stupid and dumb and idiotic that makes you really want to cower up in your room and become unwilling to meet anyone who have witness your pitiful game......I want to hear em', the more far out the better, even if it has not happened to you personally (eg. happened to your friend, your family, your dog or your cat).

Ok so I'm sure that quite a few of you would say to fall for the Fool's Mate, and so I'm going to claim it for myself before any of you can.Cool

No copying! The Scholar's Mate is fine though.....


One should not both ask a question and give the correct answer... Tongue Out


Surely this isn't the only way to lose patheticly? Or else how come there are so many chess players all around the world?


2 ways you don't want to loose.

unlike the scolars mate these can be acomplished by those who aren't noobs too.


Once Nakamura played a game. Both players was in Big time trouble. They dont wrote Their moves! Naka asked the arbiter on the number of moves but the arbiter wouldnt answer because the rules dont allowed him to. Naka thought that he had passed the time control and he lefted the board. But the time control was not passed not passed so he lossed on time!


That is the most embarrasing lol.


Any form of checkmate...
