
Transposing in the English opening


What are your thoughts on transposing, in the English opening? 


Chess is full of transpositions.
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 g6 3 e4 tricks black into a King's Indian Defense and skillfully avoids the Grünfeld Indian Defense.

tygxc wrote:

Chess is full of transpositions.
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 g6 3 e4 tricks black into a King's Indian Defense and skillfully avoids the Grünfeld Indian Defense.

I mean... are transpositions really recommended? Lets say i play c4 and opponent responds with d5, trying to transpose into the queen's gambit(if i play d4), transposing will convert the position into a well known opening line which most people are comfortable playing, but if i just play cxd5, going into the anglo-scandi, it will be a trickier position to play for the opponent, isnt it?



"I mean... are transpositions really recommended?" ++ Often, not always.

"Lets say i play c4 and opponent responds with d5" ++ Then take 2 cxd5.

tygxc wrote:

Chess is full of transpositions.
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 g6 3 e4 tricks black into a King's Indian Defense and skillfully avoids the Grünfeld Indian Defense.

2...d5 avoids a KID, and will likely transpose to a Grunfeld (unless white postpones d2-d4 for long).



Yes, 2...d5 avoids the King's Indian Defense, but after 3 cxd5 Nxd5 4 e4 black cannot trade 4...Nxc3, as there is no white knight on c3 and has to settle for 4...Nb6.

Here is how Kramnik tricked Kasparov into the King's Indian Defense,
avoiding the Grünfeld Indian Defense: