
Weird Things Which Have Happened To Players

ponz111 wrote:

Any man with half a brain should know what happened was quite unusual and weird.

Sorry but there was no sex involved at all but it seems the mere mention of sleeping with a very beautiful and almost naked lady for a 3 month period of time and Not having sex upsets some. 

Wasn't that Gandhi's gig? People were upset then too. 


For some any time sex is mentioned they get upset--in my case it was "no sex" and a couple still got upset. shock.pngshock.pngshock.png  I live with 3 stunningly beautiful young ladies [oldest is 36] but do Not have sex with all of them!?

ponz111 wrote:

For some any time sex is mentioned they get upset--in my case it was "no sex" and a couple still got upset.   I live with 3 stunningly beautiful young ladies [oldest is 36] but do Not have sex with all of them!?

May just be a case of too much info. 

OmShruti wrote:
ponz111 wrote:

For some any time sex is mentioned they get upset--in my case it was "no sex" and a couple still got upset.   I live with 3 stunningly beautiful young ladies [oldest is 36] but do Not have sex with all of them!?

Why are you telling this all on ?


Chessplayers have sex too.tongue.png

Pastuszek wrote:
OmShruti wrote:
ponz111 wrote:

For some any time sex is mentioned they get upset--in my case it was "no sex" and a couple still got upset.   I live with 3 stunningly beautiful young ladies [oldest is 36] but do Not have sex with all of them!?

Why are you telling this all on ?

Chessplayers have sex too.

But a kiss is not a kiss with Capablanca ...


Here is something about the United States that men who are divorced and have kids can relate to:

The wife usually gets custody of the kids even if she is an unfit mother. At least that was the situation 17 years ago, So I tried for joint custody of my 2 boys,.  One year my ex would have them and the next year I would have them. We were each to pay some child support the years we did not have them  Of course I did pay the child support and my ex NEVER did. And she stole all the money out of the kids college fund and used it on herself.  [I replaced it over the years,]

As is often happens in the USA if the father does not pay child support or if he is behind--he will go to jail,

Not so with the mother.   In my situation at one time she was behind tens of thousands of  $.

And here is the rub or many would say a slightly unusual situation. After many years the judge decided to do something. He ordered my ex to pay me back child support AT THE RATE OF $10 PER MONTH.  I would be the age of 174 before that child support would be paid off.  Over age 200 if interest was counted.

And she never paid a dime--not even the $10 per month. 

Later. after about 11 years I was finally able to prove she was an unfit mother and I got full custody except she had visiting rights.  And, of course she did not pay child support then. 

ponz111 wrote:

Here is something about the United States that men who are divorced and have kids can relate to:

The wife usually gets custody of the kids even if she is an unfit mother. At least that was the situation 17 years ago, So I tried for joint custody of my 2 boys,.  One year my ex would have them and the next year I would have them. We were each to pay some child support the years we did not have them  Of course I did pay the child support and my ex NEVER did. And she stole all the money out of the kids college fund and used it on herself.  [I replaced it over the years,]

As is often happens in the USA if the father does not pay child support or if he is behind--he will go to jail,

Not so with the mother.   In my situation at one time she was behind tens of thousands of  $.

And here is the rub or many would say a slightly unusual situation. After many years the judge decided to do something. He ordered my ex to pay me back child support AT THE RATE OF $10 PER MONTH.  I would be the age of 174 before that child support would be paid off.  Over age 200 if interest was counted.

And she never paid a dime--not even the $10 per month. 

Later. after about 11 years I was finally able to prove she was an unfit mother and I got full custody except she had visiting rights.  And, of course she did not pay child support then. 

Possibly in her mind its not her child? Why should she pay if she is not the mother?


There were 2 boys and they definitely came out of her. She did not pay because in the United States the father has to pay but in  the same situation the mother does not pay.  It is blatant discrimination against men/fathers.cry.pngcry.pngcry.png

Regal_but_naughty wrote:

I was abducted by aliens while driving my pickup on a country road and I got an anal probe.

It's amazing what people are willing to share within 23 hours of joining


OmShruti   Of course I am not telling about anything normal.  The title of this whole forum has to do with weird things- not normal happenings!

And since you do  not seem to know what it is I am sharing--how can it be in appropriate for this forum?? Nothing illegal happened and since you seem upset about the word "sex"--

no sex happened either!!cry.pngcry.png


Ponz writes 1/3 of a book. I have written 3 chess books--the latest is co authored with IM Keith Hayward and is sold on Amazon. 

Many years ago I was quite depressed but had an idea about writing a chess book which had never been done before.  So I started writing the book and when  it was about one third done--I was so depressed--I could not finish. And the thought of writing the rest of the book was also demoralizing. Just one more thing I needed to get done.cry.png

So I contacted a well known chess author [I will not reveal his name] and gave him the idea for the book and also sent him what work I had already done. I suggested to him that he might finish the book and he could have it published in his name. And also he could keep ALL the profits from the book. He agreed.

But after that I did not hear from him? Did he finish the book?  Was it going to be published?

After some months I saw the book on sale. Of course in  his name.  But he had not even told me it was done or published? I knew he would get maybe a dozen free books and maybe he would send me one? But he didn't.  It turned out to be a minor best seller. He made a nice profit.

So, I bought the book myself. Absolutely no mention of the help I gave him. [well I was too depressed to even ask for this]

He did make a major change to the book. While he was not strong enough of a chess player to even be in the book. He managed to make himself the hero of the book! tongue.pngtongue.png





Next somewhat weird thing. I have a Very low rating on [1658 or 1646 I am not sure?] Yet in other venues I have much higher rating including 2525. 

Also in itself I won from a GM and a 2400 plus master and have won many games vs masters and experts. Most games played with Black. I don't remember when I ever lost a game.? Heck, I beat one 2100 player here on 4-0 in a 4 game match.

In one venue I have a record of 1 draw and 50 wins and no losses. 


a u t o b u n n y h e l l o 


bunny that is true.  I meant for me...


h e l l o a u t o b u n n y


I don't know how this is "weird things that have happened to players"


GM at first you assumed my story took place in  the Philippines but it took pl;ace in the USA!?

You seem to have a big prejudice against the Philippines the way you misdescribed   the situation here.  There are MANY females/ladies here who just want a man who will love and respect them.

One  thing you refer to is how some females in  the Philippines take into consideration        financial security when they are looking for a husband. And it is repulsive  to you???

Just about ALL females take financial security in to consideration when they look for a man to marry!!!

This is true in the USA and true in the rest of the world!  

I would suggest you never do a new marriage if you find it repulsive for a female to take into consideration finances before she marries!



GM you do not know the culture of the Philippines. If you did--I don't think you would have jumped to the assumption that what happened to me in that one story happened to me in the Philippines. [it happened in the USA.]

Filipinos are very hard working people. And this applies to both sexes. And you do not see the racism as you see in the United States. The children are very respectful to their elders.

One interesting fact--despite the poverty and hardships--Philippines is the 3rd most happy country in all the world!

autobunny escribió:
Regal_but_naughty wrote:

I was abducted by aliens while driving my pickup on a country road and I got an anal probe.

It's amazing what people are willing to share within 23 hours of joining

Anyway, in those cases the anal probe goes without saying.


They were looking for his head perhaps?