
What if... !?


Ok imagen theoretically speaking , taking a child say from 2 or 3 years old and entire life just "imprison" him to play chess ! BUT !! Their is a twist of a plot: ONLY with the computers no matter what !

So child all grown I'm up now , say his 30 years old now and for the first time he released to a real world .

He doesn't know how to do anything except play chess(with the computers) , he never played a single game in his entire life with a human not even overy Internet , just engines.

So my question is :

How would he perform in a chess world against real humans?


Deep, man.





I don't know what's more disturbing -- the scenario you cooked up, or what must be going on in your head in order to come up with such a scenario.




🔞 only thx


If you don't want to answer my post or think it's funny or anything else, you don't have to I'm not forcing you to.

But if you have no one to talk to please don't post it here, try other communities thx


Question is very serious.

Basically we are looking at a human machine , who's been programed and that's not something to laugh at


Human capable of doing undiscovered things , no one knows what we are capable of doing especially if we put all our effort, time in one thing only.

Example can be Tibet and people there.THEY can do mind blowing things there , that you would laugh as well if someone were to tell you that is possible.

But I guess people in here are so young and uneducated that all they see is skin and not what is underneath.

The outcome will surely be different with different people thrown into the experiment. You did not specify of the poor child gets any human company at all. Does he learn to smile? To read? To love? To cook?
Imagine a child which needs to solve a set of increasingly hard chess puzzles before he/she gets his next meal or before he/she can go to sleep. And to win a game against a computer with increasing level. A smart coach provides the right puzzles to challenge just enough to assure growing skills. What will such child grow into? Will he become a world champion?

I think that not all people are born to play chess. Some will go very far. Others will go less far.

And they all play better chess after being chess tortured than before.

I am not going to do it to my children but the thinking exercise is interesting.

No extra training, he just learn hI'm self by playing 30 years with the best engines , teaching himself like Bobby fischer did with books.

Say normal child , conditions same as in prison but much much much better he knows everything, he eats good, very good, only brain development foods, vitamins, etc.. nuts, everything to increase his ability. Plenty of exercises, doctors next to him, best mattresses to sleep on so everything VIP stylet just to increase has playing ability as a human experiment.

But he never left say huge camera or huge house whatever it is for 30 years, he has tv, newspapers, limited Internet etc .

So after release he needs to play chess with magnus, best of the best.

If his not use to playing face to face he can play online same as he did for 30 years BUT this time for the FIRST time with human !

How do you think he will perform if from his birth all he absorb is computer, will he become like a computer himself?

I mean we know some stories where child grew up in the woods and become one of the wolf's staff like that if you know what I mean


I mean his play will be more of a right calculation instead of using logic or strategy , how human normally do.His brains will work differently


Instead of using logic he will use his head and memory in it for 30 years all the positions or most of them with an accuracy of Stockfish 8


So basically it will be his head (say Stockfish 6) vs magnus or any other human


 He would lose miserably. The AI of chess today is an interesting subject. Even Magnus knows he can't beat the best computers of today. The game of checkers was just solved recently, a few years ago, by AI. Although AI experts say that even at the power of today's computing, they say that mathematically, it would still require a computer the size of the earth to solve chess. That said, the "imprisoned kid" would crumble by the intimidation of playing real human players, who were not forced, but chose chess as their profession. Secondly, he would more likely be stark raving mad, for having played for 30 years without winning a single game. Finally, even if you started with a chess prodigy, the human mind is now far below that of our digital servants and since we haven't the capacity to think as deep , during mldgame play, the kid may memorize some lines, fairly deep, but if his opponent strays from the line, he will suddenly be lost.

ESP-918 wrote:

... Say normal child , ...

How is it decided who counts as normal? Anyway, available data on this sort of experiment would seem to be rather limited.