
What is better : a queen or three minor pieces ?


What is better :

a queen or three minor pieces ?

a queen or two rooks ?


Definitely three pieces better than the queen but It also depends on the position


RR > Q. The rooks can attack a pawn twice and the queen can defend it only once.
Three minor pieces are about te same as a queen: neither side can win.
The pieces must stick together so the queen cannot chop one off with some checks and double attacks.


Experts say that 3 minor pieces or 2 rooks > Queen



What experts?
What 3 minor pieces?
BNN cannot be better than a queen, as the queen can sacrifice for the bishop to leave a draw.
Even BBN, how can these defeat a queen?




This position would be a white win, if not for the 50-moves rule.


Oh hack no


0-500: queen equals 10 minor pieces.

500-1000: queen equals 7 minor pieces.

1000-1500: queen equals 4 minor pieces.

1500-2000: queen equals 3 minor pieces.

2000-2882: queen equals < 3 minor pieces.


#9: 100 is the lowest elo

It depends one the position, and if there are any other pieces in play. It would most likely be a draw.


In a middle-game position, the pieces are better if they can get coordinated before the Queen forks something.


I'd say 3 minor pieces are better. Since the queen is just a bishop + rook combo, a bishop, rook, and knight obviously are better. The problem is, they cant all be in the same place. Also, I have not read more than 2 posts on this discussion, so I don't know whether or not this has already been stated. This is only this formal because this is my first post on

EnPassantAvalanche wrote:

What is better :

a queen or three minor pieces ?

a queen or two rooks ?

3 minor pieces are usually better than a Queen assuming that they can coordinate before a Queen fork or something.

Queen versus 2 Rooks are trickier, but here is a video of mine on this topic back from before I got a webcam grin.png


In general you need 4 minor pieces to beat a Queen in the long run. 3 minor pieces can usually hold for a draw but everything depends on position in all senerios.


4 minor pieces @chessterd5 ? Nah, that is too much. In most positions, I'd happily trade my queen away for 3 minor pieces.

KeSetoKaiba wrote:

4 minor pieces @chessterd5 ? Nah, that is too much. In most positions, I'd happily trade my queen away for 3 minor pieces.

I didn't say that it wasn't playable. But the side with the 3 minor pieces is going to have to play solid or geometrically something is going to fall. But the position is always a factor.


King safety and pawn cover if any is also a factor. It is never simple when you get into the nuts and bolts of things.