
what level of accuracy should a 1300 player get on average?


still at 1000+. working hard to 1100. 1300 is still a dream.


accuracy is relative to how well your opponent plays, dont dwell too long on it


My USCF is around not yet 1300 but my accuracy is mostly above 90 percent. I don't usually play on chess. Com



ak99_hello wrote:

My USCF is around not yet 1300 but my accuracy is mostly above 90 percent.

This is obviously not true. It can't be true, and it isn't. The last 4 games that you reviewed had accuracy scores of 68, 70, 81 and 56. "Mostly above 90 percent", sure.

I am rated 872 right now. I recently played a game which I won with 80.7 accuracy, which the game analysis equated to 1200. Made me feel good that I had it in me. I think if your average accuracy is 82, you’re about 1300.
I agree with CraigIreland that the accuracy score doesn’t reflect the quality of play in longer, wilder and most fun and satisfying games where players are making bold imaginative moves that get nitpicked.
I’ve played what I thought were brilliant games and then saw I was 55 on accuracy. I’ve lost and felt like I played like a fool and was 75. What the hell.

Is it normal for a 500 rating player to have 86 percent accuracy in 3 minute game?

Coach says 110%

Somewhere from 61-98


imo it should be 85 percent since that's what stockfish considers as a 1300 elo player


Depends how complicated the position is

Don’t set too much in store by accuracy. If nothing else, if a position is more complicated, then the accuracy will likely be lower.



I can not believe how trolled this site is, players with rating 1200, 1300 have accuracy 95,96%
It is not hard to figure them out, just pass the moves through free lichess analyzer and see. What a colossal waste of time. The problem is, they try hard to blend in, they switch to computer in different parts of game, .. but at the end, they can not troll all the time, and it shows on their rating.
In any case, when you loose to someone who is 500 and more points below your rating, you are likely dealing with some mental case.

60-75 excluding my silly games with one person and abandoned games

In bullet

krenovac wrote:

I can not believe how trolled this site is, players with rating 1200, 1300 have accuracy 95,96%
It is not hard to figure them out, just pass the moves through free lichess analyzer and see. What a colossal waste of time. The problem is, they try hard to blend in, they switch to computer in different parts of game, .. but at the end, they can not troll all the time, and it shows on their rating.
In any case, when you loose to someone who is 500 and more points below your rating, you are likely dealing with some mental case.

No, even players at 900 and 1000 can easily get accuracy over 80 and 90:

Many players at 1000 elo are really bad at rapid chess but much better at slow time controls, so they play good chess and eventually blunder into a loss. So they have a higher accuracy overall in the games they dont blunder as they are better than the elo bracket. For example my strength in Daily chess should be around 1700-1800 elo but in rapid 10+0 I just feel rushed and dont see anything on the board, and I blunder-loss many games for no reason. For example in these games I was a bit better and then one-move-blundered:

When I manage to play a game without blunders I usually end up with higher accuracy than you would expect for a 1000 elo, but you'd amount it to "cheating".

Also, if the position if highly tactical, the accuracy is going to be lower in games under 2000 elo since we are not very good at chess to put it diplomatically, lol.


accuracy isnt proportional to elo; its proportional to how good your moves were.

so if a 200 elo player scholars mates another, he ends up with high accuracy; he played the best moves but only because his opponent played badly. frequent high accuracy is suspicious but a beginner scoring relatively high in a game is by no means a sign of cheating


havent played blitz tho and rapid is just one person and mostly draws

Daily about 65-90%