
What side does the clock go?!


I arrived at my board as black and started to change the side of the clock (yes, I'm a left-hander by choice) and my (rather brash) opponent snatched it back and said "You can't do that." and I said [Well I'll have to re-check my understanding of the rules of chess!] and he said "You arrived late, you can't change the clock that's in the rules of chess." 


.... was my opponent - let's call him Douchey - was Douchey bluffing as much as he did when he played his moves? Is that really the rule that black can no longer decide which side the clock is on if he's late,,, even though he hasn't himself even touched the clock yet??!!

.... i went on to lose ... yeh the dutch ..... look don't ask, it's an f5 work in progress.


Good on yaz,

no offence


Black has the right to choose what side of the board they want it, or the TD can ask that all the clocks face the same way to make things easier for them.  


If it is a FIDE rated event then:

  • 6.2.4 The players must handle the chessclock properly. It is forbidden to press it forcibly, to pick it up, to press the clock before moving or to knock it over. Improper clock handling shall be penalised in accordance with Article 12.9.
  • 6.5 Before the start of the game the arbiter shall decide where the chessclock is placed.


So, if the arbiter decided which side the clock goes on, then you can't move it. If it doesn't matter to the arbiter, then I would say that if you were there before the round started, you should be able to decide but FIDE doesn't have any rules about choice of equipment and placement beyond the above (unlike the USCF).


Also, if the arbiter didn't say it needed to be on a specific side, it was a a little rude to not allow it to be moved.


If the game was under USCF rules, Douchey would be correct. If Black is late for the start of the game, White gets to decide which side of the board the clock is on. Black may not object unless White's equipment is non-standard or White has not complied with any special announced or posted stipulations. (USCF rule 39A1)


As Martin stated, under FIDE rules, it looks like the arbiter decides this before the game.


Before the game begins, Black may chose what side of the board the clock goes on.  If the arbiter wants the clock on a certain side and it is not the side you want, then the players change seats so Black gets the clock on the side he wants.  If a player arrives late and the clock has already started, tough!  The clock stays where it was originally placed.


how to make the clock go on the right side in for me its below the board.


how to make the clock go on the right side in for me its below the board.


You can't move the clocks.