
Why do you suppose my opponent wants to keep on playing?


We both just have a king, and a bishop, yet it seems he wants to keep on pushing the pieces around. I offered him a draw when we both had two opposing pawns, but he didn't take it. Actually, I would like to know why it doesn't say we're  automatically drawn, due to insufficient material.


With only bishops, it should be drawn. However, with pawns, it is possible to get a queen, which can be used to mate, so it's not drawn. Just play for the 50 move rule.

ViktorHNielsen wrote:

With only bishops, it should be drawn. However, with pawns, it is possible to get a queen, which can be used to mate, so it's not drawn. Just play for the 50 move rule.

Damn! I said we both just have a king, and bishop.


 I offered him a draw when we both had two opposing pawns, but he didn't take it.

I don't know, try to play on ChessCube, much better site for playing.

ViktorHNielsen wrote:

 I offered him a draw when we both had two opposing pawns, but he didn't take it.

I don't know, try to play on Chess Cube, much better site for playing.

We don't even have opposing pawns any more. We're impossibly drawn.


I went ahead, and pushed my bishop, but it still doesn't say were drawn.


Can u click on "claim a draw"?

eddysallin wrote:

Can u click on "claim a draw"?

Nope. I looked for that, first thing.


As long as the bishops are opposite-colored, there's still a legal path to mate..


 Agree with @MaartenSmit ... opposite-colour B's means sufficient material.

MaartenSmit wrote:

As long as the bishops are opposite-colored, there's still a legal path to mate..

Looking at the game, I see what you mean. But even as bad as I am, I'm not dumb enough to move my king to the corner of the board, and let him smother mate me, using my own bishop. :) Thanks though. Question is resolved.


Fischer once continued playing, with bare kings.

varelse1 wrote:

Fischer once continued playing, with bare kings.

How old was he, six? Playing his very first game? :)


Are the bishops on opposite colors? In that case it's technically possible to achieve a mate (with cooperation from both players). So it wouldn't register as an automatic draw.

BetweenTheWheels wrote:

Are the bishops on opposite colors? In that case it's technically possible to achieve a mate (with cooperation from both players). So it wouldn't register as an automatic draw.


Good god, man! read post number 12!


I'd just sac my bishop.

Scottrf wrote:

I'd just sac my bishop.

I'm guessing his opponent wouldn't take it though.

These idiots shouldn't be allowed to  hold up tournaments.  That's too bad.


Draw has now been offered, and accepted. Whew. :)


Maybe he was just trying to piss you off.  Looks like it worked!