
Will I reach 2000 till end of June?


I reached a rating of 1600 in just a month after I started chess again after many years. Will I be able to reach 2000 rating in June? What should I focus more to reach 2000? All tips are appreciated.


End of June may be too soon. End of year certainly.
Analyse your lost games.
Study annotated grandmaster games.
Study endgames, especially rook endings.


I think I can

End of June is very very unlikely but if you work hard you could do it in 3-6 months from now.
medelpad wrote:
End of June is very very unlikely but if you work hard you could do it in 3-6 months from now.

Then how can I reach in a month or two?


You can't. As medelpad said. With hard work and enough time to grind and study you might be able to get it in 3-6 months. You've got great progress so far so you could probably do it in 4-5