
A draw


Hi friends! 

As I understand chess rules, if there is endless repetition of moves, there is a draw?! And if the same position occurs three times, there is also a draw. However playing live chess within 10 min, these rules do not apply?? Is there something im missing??


I think these rules apply everywhere


They apply, but not automatically. You have to claim draw by pressing the draw button.


I was pressing the draw button and moves were repeated to infinity, the opponent was refusing the draw and I lost. I thought after position repeated X3 the draw would be automatic respone but its obviously not.


i think they just apply it in tournaments. I had the same situation too.


It should apply. I have drawn with repetition many times


It does apply on live. You must press the button when the current position is the third (or fourth, or...) repetition of it - this includes having the same castling rights, en passant opportunities, etc. and of course that the same side has the move.

Could you link to the game you lost and say on which move(s) you pressed the draw button ?