
Acct restricted - I'm innocent!


My account has been restricted due to "violating" the fair play policy. For several games in a row after each game I would get the warning, even though I played the game all to the end, never abandoned, nothing unsportsmanly, etc. Finally, I was notified that my account had been restricted. But I didn't do anything wrong! Help!

This aggression will not stand. No Justice, No Peace.  


I've reset the restriction for you. By chance are you starting all your games, making the first move within 15-20 seconds of the start? Do you often abort a game to try and play another color? 


I generally start games and make the first move fairly quickly, though at times I open a new tab while waiting on a game and then return too late to start a game, which will have been aborted by the server. I never abort to try and play another color. Earlier today I DID have to let the time run out on a game, after my boss may or may not have busted me playing while at work....but that is extremely rare. 


Thanks for lifting the restriction. 


No problem, glad to help. 


dear sir i am asking a question why do i get a reply o fair play comeing up when there is a connecsion failure when while i am waiting to get reconnected and it is his clock that his ticking down and when i get connected i have lost the game


FEDTEL, the FPP looks at all your games, but resets every 3 days or so. I don't see this being an issue for you currently. :)

craftycol, it sounds like you were disconnected for more than 1 minute. This is standard, and your games will be considered abandoned -- I'd be happy to help you with some tips on lessening your disconnections if you'd like. 


it was a genuine mistake is computer went down while i was playing him then mine went down while i was waiting for him to come back on line i dont think he done it on purpose


the part where he said his boss might have caught him playing at work was LOL


                             "I was framed I tell ya"!Yell                                                                                             


Nice pic


Would be something difficult to play chess while working. I'm a bike messenger!!! Especially today with snowstorm and cold....


That would be impressive and difficult, and dangerous! Be careful out there!


Yes that would be! Especially in Montréal downtown