


Alright so I just (for the third time over the last couple of weeks) landed a killer fork that ultimately would've ended with my opponents inevitable demise......... and I pulled up the chat to tell him "got it!" And the game... For some inexplicable, bullshit reason god damn (seriously, I cannot express my furious anger in words)
MADE ME RESIGN. WHAT THE ACTUAL F***!? The first time around I thought it a bugg, but now... I know it's a flaw BY YOU -, you massive jerks.
What the hell, really??? How could sending a chat message make you RESIGN a blitz game??
Could you PLEASE fix this sh*t? And return my elo points, because I am DONE just shrugging snd accepting this.

kaynight wrote:

I suggest you resign from this site, subscribe to an anger management course, and generally get a grip on life. No offence.



[removed -- MS], i was completely winning, and I had a limited time, I moved the piece and my time was still running, and i end-up losing  I would had won that, [removed].




Jugamos la mayoría a 1 min. porque no pueden hacer trampas con los bots, pero el servidor debe tener un algoritmo que te restan 10 a 15 seg. Eso es mucho tiempo. ayudan a los pagos. Entonces que no pongas gratis. pongan un precio 20 $ anuales. asi todo el mundo tiene acceso