
Cancelling premoves with touchscreen?


How do I cancel a premove if I'm using a touchscreen and not a mouse?



Tap the piece you premoved. It should cancel. :)

Harbinger50000 wrote:

How do I cancel a premove if I'm using a touchscreen and not a mouse?

Tap an empty aquare on the board, this should cancel pre-move .You have to do it before your opponent makes move.


Thanks guys :)


It doesn't work :(


Are you using the website or the app? I cancel premoved while I'm playing in the app (I just did it last night). It might not work the same way on the website. 


I'm using the website. I'm actually using a touchscreen laptop.


I've passed this on as a suggestion to make it possible to cancel premoves like in the app.

Is there a way for you to simulate right-clickinging on your touchscreen? If so, maybe you can use that to cancel premoves?

chrka wrote:

I've passed this on as a suggestion to make it possible to cancel premoves like in the app.

Is there a way for you to simulate right-clickinging on your touchscreen? If so, maybe you can use that to cancel premoves?

Thanks for the attention. I haven't really found any useful on the information on the internet to know how to simulate a right click though.


Actually, i've found that you can touch the screen and hold your finger there for a short period of time to simulate a right click. However, this period of time isn't quick enough to take back a premove in the time that blitz or lightning requires.

Use trackpad

Guys please make the multiple premoves option available for the app!


Hi, does support touch screen technology? I want to upgrade to one- feedback please before I spend the money?


AhmedYAli пишет:

Guys please make the multiple premoves option available for the app!



This is no longer functioning this way.


We are now several years further, has this been solved?
I am using iPad with website and not the app. If it is fixed in the app there should be nothing blocking the same functionality on the web version.

I won’t call it out by name but last month I played with the iPad on the web version of another chess site and there canceling premoves worked fine, so it should be done here as well.

DJdatadriven wrote:

We are now several years further, has this been solved?
I am using iPad with website and not the app. If it is fixed in the app there should be nothing blocking the same functionality on the web version.

I won’t call it out by name but last month I played with the iPad on the web version of another chess site and there canceling premoves worked fine, so it should be done here as well.


The only way to cancel premoves on mobile web is refreshing the page, as far as I'm aware. There's no right click and the website allows multiple premoves, so the app method isn't an option.


It's simple, tough a random move which has been moved in game. Example: e4 e5, then you premove you knight to e2. You just need to click "e4" in the record board, and look! Your premove is cancelled.