
Cannot play against the computer


When I attempt to play against the computer, I get the following:

"Don't see the game?
Click here to download Java    

Can't see the chessboard above? Then click here to download Java!"
  (I use Windows 7, Internet Explorer.  I have the latest Java download:  Ver. 7 update 45.  Thanks for any help you can provide.)

I had the same problem.  Started about 10 days ago.  There was suggestion to install Google Chrome which I did.  Now I can play vs comuter but Google Chrome screwed up some of my other programs.  I uninstalled Google Chrom and now it's back to square one. 


Thank you Almer. 


I have had the same problem for a couple months.  The fix is to install Google Chrome?  If this is the true fix, then this is unacceptable and lazy.


Maybe a silly question, but have you checked your Java Control Panel to ensure that Java is enabled in your browser? (It's under the security tab.) I know about this setting, because I make sure mine is disabled. Wink


Thank you escherehcsE.  I checked and it is enabled.  Oh well.

MSgt:  I fully agree with you - I refuse to use google chrome.  Guess I won't be playing chess here anymore.


How to be, if you use OS Windows XP?


Hi S24iff:  This thread is 2 years old and, since that time, the problem has been fixed somehow.  I think it was a java problem, and it appears to have been fixed!

DeputyDawg123 wrote:

Hi S24iff:  This thread is 2 years old and, since that time, the problem has been fixed somehow.  I think it was a java problem, and it appears to have been fixed!

The V3 (version 3) interface no longer uses Java. To get to V3, click on the link at the bottom of the page, "Try the new!".