
Clock runs down to a loss while the oponent has move


Twice in the last couple weeks I have been in positions where I had about ten seconds showing on the clock and made a move. On one of those occasions the move was even to put my opponent in check. I sat there watching the opponents clock running and then suddenly there was a very fast (Less than a second) run down to zero on my clock and the games was declared a loss.


I both cases the screen still showed the position with the opponent having move.


I am wondering how this is possible?


The one with check was particularly troublesome as how could it ever be the MY clock is running while the other guy is in check?


At no time in these games was a “connection lost” message seen either.








Probably due to an extraordinary amount of lag.

Or its the hackers. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. (not really, it's probably lag)


This has happened various times with me as well. It is just due to the faulty connection between you and the player you are facing.


This just happen to me also, my last game...