
Connection interrupting...loading


It costs me last two games after 15 moves. The server thinks I deliberately disconnected the games. The server was not able to reconnect. I

was not able to finish. It hurt my ratings.


I get this quite a bit too, I don't think there's much anyone can do about it, other than getting me better internet connection, it sucks but it's life


Some people keep saying get a better internet connection but it happens too frequently to too many people.

Again just now i lose connection in a live standard chess game, the ggame is shaping up to be really good one, but then the dreded connection interrupted sign appears.

As always i'm still able to flick through my online chess games faster than you can say 123, connect to google, do anything but i get the connection interrupted crap again and it just stays on the screen.

All they will say ohhh we need to know your OS and browser... this is horse**** the problem is on their side and too many times I have lost games in live chess because of these cut offs.

I will never pay for membership here simplyy because the live chess is so hit and miss all the time.


Internet connection lots better today. If happens again, I will say horse****. It is all credit I can get. It helps. Thanks for the comments.


I am getting dropped WAY TOO OFTEN! When I get the "disconnected" gizmo on screen, I check that I still have an active internet connection by checking mail and guess what..... I do have internet and I still show "disconnected. trying to reconnect"! This goes on long enough that I lose the 5/2 game and to add insult to injury, I get a "fair play notice".  Will this be corrected, or should I look for a more reliable site on which to play chess?