
Fair Play Policy



All games played on are stored and can be called for analysis at any time, not just those you play with premium members.

Also, your aborting these games is exactly what is causing your account to become restricted.

There is no filter that allows you to only play basic members. In fact it's the other way around. We have a filter that will allow you to only play premium members.


Hello kansha,



Thank you for your answer.



I understand that all the games i play are stored and can be analysed at any time.


But if i understand right the people that can analyse these games are the Gold, the Diamond and Platinum.


As i said, when I issue a challenge and fall against these players I abord the game. I understand that aborting these games causes a restriction on my account


But i do not wish to play against players that can analize my games before they play me. I just find it not fair !



To bad it is not possible to filter the players...








yes an alert notification when someone analyzed my game would be a solution if i have access to analyze games. But Do i have access to annalize other games ? 

Anyway for the moment I am conciderated as someone that FRIVOLOUSLY abort the games. And i have to wait 5 minutes between games...

Maybe the staff could add in the description of their fair play policy this pharse ? "If you abord games that do not fallow our policy you will be restricted for 5 minutes."


Hi again !

I found a way to not be restricted !!!

I just have to offer "draw" several times until the other opponent accepts. Thanks Jadarite and kansha for your answers and your support. I believe i will not have restriction anymore.




Thanks again for the web site :

Unfortunatly i found no way to filter "Diamond" "Platinum" and ''Gold''.

So I will continue my faire play buy ofering a draw...



It is understandable that you do not want your opponent to have an unfair advantage, but you can analyze their games using an engine, analysis is quite weak


Thanks DefinitelyNotGM for you answer,

I suppose that this fair play policy was created to get people to play together but failed to find the right ajustments. The way i found is to offer draw to not be restrected (maybe that would resolve your problem C4rls).

Conciderating the idea of playing with people that can analyse the games we played tougether invits me to decline the chalange and offer draw. I have no intenstion to analyse a game. I have no desire to be analysed.

I am just there to play games and want to keep the right to play against the people i selec.



Terricotta wrote:

look, you're making impossible and unfair requests here. If someone aborts, theres no way to tell what the reason was for, and there's nothing wrong with aborting because you want to play a different color. Sometimes players want to try out a new gambit or defense. Plus, it isn't a big deal, it's not like people are aborting every single game. Also, disconnection can occur due to many problems. Sometimes I accidentally click out of the page , other times my laptop runs out of power. 

About the stalling comment. This is chess, what you think is stalling, is a player thinking very hard about the next move. I find to my own surprise that I may spend aboout a minute or 2 thinking over 1 move in a 20 min game. Its an integral part of chess: patience and time. You certainly cannot expect the mods to look at this as an issue, much less take action against it. 


In conclusion, I think you should relax and take it as they come. The problems, if they even ARE "problems" to being with, cannot be fairly remedied. Play chess otb if you're really that annoyed by it. 


- best regards. 

Well, why don't they do an unrated game, where they can choose their color!? I wanted to try the Latvian Gambit, so I made a seek for Black (Unrated)!

puppuce wrote:



Thanks DefinitelyNotGM for you answer,

I suppose that this fair play policy was created to get people to play together but failed to find the right ajustments. The way i found is to offer draw to not be restrected (maybe that would resolve your problem C4rls).

Conciderating the idea of playing with people that can analyse the games we played tougether invits me to decline the chalange and offer draw. I have no intenstion to analyse a game. I have no desire to be analysed.

I am just there to play games and want to keep the right to play against the people i selec.



Posts like this make me want to buy a platinum membership and then chase puppuce around, refusing their draws nonstop, forcing them to abort and deal with the fair play policy.

NO ONE is going to study your openings to prepare for a 5 minute chess game, unless you are  the top-rated person on this site.


...sorry...overlooked something

sunoy141 fair play policy is crap. First of all I obey fair play rules. I don't abort games. I got my first account closed for nothing. Everything was fine but when I logged in again after some days, I found that my account is closed. So I opened a new account. Now they are giving me fair play policy warnings all the time in each and every game even though I haven't done anything against the rules. I even got a fair play policy warning just after winning a game and I had to wait for five minutes. Isn't that weird and also frustrating???

My honest opinion is that needs some serious administrator and a manager. 


Dear Chess.Com, please withdraw my ban, i was merely playing against a computer not a human opponent on live chess. this rule should be ''only against human opponents''

polybius81 wrote:

Dear Chess.Com, please withdraw my ban, i was merely playing against a computer not a human opponent on live chess. this rule should be ''only against human opponents''

I will agree with this too...

I doubt the computer felt cheated or offended. Also, there should be a provision in the process or within the rules, to allow you to have a chance to withdraw from a game that you didn't mean to end up with. Trying to click upon dancing disappearing and reappearing dots, while trying to read info in a flash, makes for this problem to be prevelant...

I don't even play much live chess and this is part of the reason why. The selection process and the problems with wanting to leave a game, or others doing it, makes it stressful. I want to relax and enjoy, not blow a gasket, while trying to prepare to focus.


i have registered very recently and i've already recieved what seems to be some kind of warning message, telling me that acount will be restricted if i abort the games often (though i've done that only once, as far as i can remember, cause i realised that i am sleepy and that i wont be able to play one more game) and, most puzzlingly, if i "keep the opponent waiting for too long"...well, the countdown is clicking at my peril, i know that i will lose if the time runs out, it should be up to me to decide how long i think before every on earth could any software or staff member know that i am "not really thinking" but "just letting the time pass, to wind up the opponent"? Having said so I might add that I actually did not wait very long before any move yet, not once, since I have (quite recently) started playing on this web site so....what is the purpose of this message? Is it a "circular"? And if it is a "circular" why it started appearing only today?

dpruess wrote:

nope. players who lose on time while playing a game don't get dinged as poor sports. players who sit for 10 minutes down a queen without making a single move, game after game after game, will. as will people who disconnect every time they lose material. that is poor sportsmanship.

don't worry, staff are not crazy, and are chessplayers. we know it's normal to lose on time in a blitz game.

i suppose that hitting the "resign" button does not count as  disconnect every time they lose material. that is poor sportsmanship.? i do click "resign" if i lose the queen in first few moves (for example) it kills my will to play....i suppose this does not count as "poor sportmanship"...i don't even know how to "disconnect" you mean: log off from the upon losing some valuable piece? i don't do that, i don't wait very long before any move, and i've aborted only once (as i was sleepy)...why on earth am i receiving warning message?


They don't know - the algorithms for their "fair play" policy are flawed at the core - they are overly simplistic and don't take I to account position or strength.

What they need to do is develop and adjudication system such as what FICS uses. They already have the analysis code, so all they need do is use a relative strength, such that say, when an opponent is DOWN 2 points, AND delays a certain excessive length, ONLY THEN is an abandonment forced.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times, I was in a STRONG position (up several pieces, or very strong position) and waiting for the opponent to move, I look at another app (on iPad) or another web page, and despite having a winning position have the server force an abandonment because I didn't hear the "move" sound and click back in time.

It's asinine. The fair play policy here is enforced In a most unfair way.


thank you for the have confirmed what i have detected and starting to suspect just several days after registering with this web site...i am not a good chesss player (yet?) but i have a huge talent for noticing NWO style hurdles.



fair play is what it is about


does one wait forever


The rules of chess ARE thou shalt use the time on the clock however one wishes.



How can I flag somone who didn't respect the  Fair Play policy  ?