Stockfissh is just an enging. You need a gui.
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Stockfissh is just an enging. You need a gui.
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after you download it off of stockfish's website it will likely be in a zip file unzip it (you may need to download a program that does this) after that put the folder where ever you want it to be then everything else has to do with the gui you are using.
There are plenty of options such as chess x (free), scid (free), chessbase (paid) you should be able to find one that suits your needs
then some where in the gui you will be able "add an engine" or something similar and you will have to show the gui where the engine is which will be in a folder called windows within the file you just unzipped. and there should be 4 different versions of the engine. since your pc is new the version you want to use would likely be stockfish 4 x64 sse42.
and there should be 4 different versions of the engine. since your pc is new the version you want to use would likely be stockfish 4 x64 sse42.
Not necessaarily true.
My 3 month old 64 bit Quad Core Running Windows 8.1 cannot use the x64_modern or the x64_modern_sse42.
You may need to use just the straight x64 version.
Thanks guys I downloaded arena 3 and it works can you tell me how to read the anaylsis the engines give me most effectivly.
Oh yea my computer specs are i7 4900mq would that get me really good anaylsises?
Thanks guys I downloaded arena 3 and it works can you tell me how to read the anaylsis the engines give me most effectivly.
Oh yea my computer specs are i7 4900mq would that get me really good anaylsises?
you should get a pretty accurate analysis but keep in mind engines aren't perfect :P
the there should atleast be two numbers one show depth (how many moves the engine is looking ahead it can't really be compared with other engines as some engines calculate depth different than normal such as rybka but universally the greater the magnitude the greater the depth. then ther is the evaluation a negative number means black is better a positive number means white is better the number itself is measured in pawns if the evaluation is for example -2.32 then it is like black is playing with 2 extra pawns and a bit. the evaluation is derived from things such as king safety, pawnstructure piece activity and material count. and a lot of other things.
Thanks guys I downloaded arena 3 and it works can you tell me how to read the anaylsis the engines give me most effectivly.
Oh yea my computer specs are i7 4900mq would that get me really good anaylsises?
Good analysis, yes. You need to manually tweak Stockfish's settings to get best performance. Stockfish defaults to using a single thread. If you have a multi-processor system (like your i7), you should set Stockfish to use the actual number of physical cores you have - probably 4 or 6 on your machine. Here's how, using Arena 3.0:
With Stockfish loaded (but not actively calculating) go to the Engines menu, select Engine1, then configure. A window will appear with configurable UCI options. Look for "threads" and replace the 1 with the number of cores you have.
Thanks guys I downloaded arena 3 and it works can you tell me how to read the anaylsis the engines give me most effectivly.
Oh yea my computer specs are i7 4900mq would that get me really good anaylsises?
Good analysis, yes. You need to manually tweak Stockfish's settings to get best performance. Stockfish defaults to using a single thread. If you have a multi-processor system (like your i7), you should set Stockfish to use the actual number of physical cores you have - probably 4 or 6 on your machine. Here's how, using Arena 3.0:
With Stockfish loaded (but not actively calculating) go to the Engines menu, select Engine1, then configure. A window will appear with configurable UCI options. Look for "threads" and replace the 1 with the number of cores you have.
Thanks for the info.
I want to intsall it on my windows 8.1 pc which is much better then my other computer. But how do you install it because when I do I don't suceed. When I open the files a cmd.exe launches.