How to turn the coach off

Coach can't be turned off in all locations. Where are you trying to remove it?

Same issue, for game review. Always have it off, suddenly it's on. I tried to turn it off both from the game review screen and the account settings. They seem to have removed the option to do so. Personally, the coaches make me cringe.

My understanding is there are always going to be some locations where coach will show and won't have an option to disable.
The coach ruins it completely. We already have a hint button if we want a hint. Now, whether we want it or not, we have this intrusive signposting as to what sort of puzzle it is (eg take or mate) which means we have a very different (ie easier, boring, hand-holding) challenge, and our puzzle rating is truly meaningless as opposed to (in some, simple way) benchmarked. The coach is an engagement play (ie How do we drive puzzle engagement up, and push coach premium levels up across the site? Remove the puzzle "barrier" for non-chess lovers by offering a quick pathway to high puzzle ratings in the guise of teaching. Oh, and ruin the puzzle experience). Imagine sitting down to solve a cryptic crossword and getting extra 'coach' clues ("could be an anagram" "Look for abbrevaitions/latin"). What a colossally greedy and damning intrusion. I am cancelling my subscription (again).

The coach ruins it completely. We already have a hint button if we want a hint. Now, whether we want it or not, we have this intrusive signposting as to what sort of puzzle it is (eg take or mate) which means we have a very different (ie easier, boring, hand-holding) challenge, and our puzzle rating is truly meaningless as opposed to (in some, simple way) benchmarked. The coach is an engagement play (ie How do we drive puzzle engagement up, and push coach premium levels up across the site? Remove the puzzle "barrier" for non-chess lovers by offering a quick pathway to high puzzle ratings in the guise of teaching. Oh, and ruin the puzzle experience). Imagine sitting down to solve a cryptic crossword and getting extra 'coach' clues ("could be an anagram" "Look for abbrevaitions/latin"). What a colossally greedy and damning intrusion. I am cancelling my subscription (again).
You can disable the hints by using the settings icon on the feature