
iPhone app is zoomed in, making it impossible to use


I used to play on the iPhone app, but I have recently encountered a problem that has made it impossible to use. 

As you can see in the image below, whenever I open a game in the app it is zoomed in, so I can't see the full interface. That means if I make a move I can't see the green button to confirm the move. 

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. I have also contacted tech support, but the problem remains. Does anyone have any advice on what else I could try because I really miss using the app. 

Hi, sorry to confirm that I have exactly the same problem. I’m using an iPhone X.
By the by, also have the app on an iPad Mini where I can play.

Nice to know I'm not the only one. 

Hi again, I have found that in the iPhone, in “Settings”, “Display and Brightness”, adjusting “Display Zoom” to “Standard” brings back all the functions (I don’t remember changing the setting myself).
Thanks. All working now.

I have exactly the same issue. I’ve messaged them twice and the first time in May 2022 they said they are aware and working on it. The second time I haven’t had a reply yet and it was a while ago. I’m guessing it’s the same reply. Amazing really considering it’s a deal breaker for me and I’m guessing other people. I was strongly considering the paid version to improve my chess but after this situation I’m put off. I’d rather settle on a platform that takes issues as important as this seriously. Sadly I think it’s time to find an alternative chess app sad.png