
Loosing 400 points in Tactics Trainer in One Day


Another thing that it might be.  The staff at both and have a hangup about tactics training rating inflation.  Chesstempo only gives partial credit for correct answers to problems that you have "seen before" (I currently get about 15%).  However, they deduct the full amount if you miss the problem.

I've noticed that periodically, will "tweak" the system.  For a few days, my rating will drop 15-20 points if I miss a problem, but it will only increase 5-8 points when I get the correct answer.  After 2 or 3 days, things return to normal.

woton wrote:

I've noticed that periodically, will "tweak" the system.  For a few days, my rating will drop 15-20 points if I miss a problem, but it will only increase 5-8 points when I get the correct answer.  After 2 or 3 days, things return to normal.

That's to do with problem vs user rating.



Don't think so.  The first time I noticed it, there was a thread concerning what was happening.  Also, the range of problem ratings before, during, and after was about the same, and it was being done on a regular basis (you could look at my ratings history graph and see major decreases at regular intervals).

Note:  I was a gold member when I first noticed it.  I don't think that it would happen 25 times a day for 2 or 3 days if it were a user vs problem rating issue (I checked one of my earlier posts, and the low increases also occurred when the problem ratings were higher than my rating).

KnightsRuleTheGame wrote:

Who cares? It's just s learning tool. Rating doesn't matter...

Well I dont want to solve problems that a too easy riiiiiiiiight. 


It's a set calculation.


who cares about the points. they just add a bit of action but you also get it, when its 400 points lower.

TetsuoShima wrote:

who cares about the points. they just add a bit of action but you also get it, when its 400 points lower.

The rating has as least two purposes:  it helps you to measure your progress, and it determines which problems you are given to solve.  If something is done that keeps it artificially low, you will continue to see the same problems over and over, and progress will be slow or non-existent.  


I can't tell from the comments. Is this a bug with the algorithm which chooses the next problem, or is it a bug with the calculation of the rating change?

ozzie_c_cobblepot wrote:

I can't tell from the comments. Is this a bug with the algorithm which chooses the next problem, or is it a bug with the calculation of the rating change?

My observation has been that the problem rating range is reasonable for my rating.  However, it sometimes appears that has make a temporary change to the rating algorithm to lower the ratings (I could be wrong about this, but it has happened with enough regularity to make me suspicious). 


i dont know i think my tactic rating is severely overrated.

woton wrote:
ozzie_c_cobblepot wrote:

I can't tell from the comments. Is this a bug with the algorithm which chooses the next problem, or is it a bug with the calculation of the rating change?

My observation has been that the problem rating range is reasonable for my rating.  However, it sometimes appears that has make a temporary change to the rating algorithm to lower the ratings (I could be wrong about this, but it has happened with enough regularity to make me suspicious). 

Assuming it's there, what makes you think it's temporary?


My opinion is that it's based on the problem rating, and the algorithm is constant.

If you believe otherwise, it should be easy to verify.


I don't have access to the data anymore because I reset my data, but when I looked at the previous rating graphs, they would be relative steady except for a 2 or 3 day period when there would be a dramatic drop.  This happened about every 3 months.  Following the drop, the situation would return to normal and my rating would increase to its previous value.

 When I looked at the tabular data, I saw that during the "normal period" I would lose 15 or 16 points for the problems that I missed, and I would gain 12-13 points for every problem that I solved (consistent with rating differences and time to solve the problem).  However, during the 2 to 3 day period, my rating would drop 16-18 points for missed problems and increase only 5-8 points for correct problems (the 8 point maximum occurred for problems rated higher than my rating, so it doesn't appear to be a rating difference issue).  In forum discussions, I found others were experiencing the same effect.

There was something amiss with the ratings calculation that happened on a regular basis for a short period of time.  There may be other explanations, but at face value, it looks as if the rating algorithm were being changed and then restored to the original version.


Yeah it happens because you get problems far too low for your rating, plenty of people have screenshotted and I experienced it after solving loads of puzzles too.


No!!  I was not getting problems that were too low.  Note the maximum increase of 8 points was for a problem rated higher than my rating!!


I think the amount of time taken counts into the points too.  If you take longer than the computer thinks you should to get the right answer, it may be very stingy with points given.  I'm not sure, but I think I've actually lost some points on right answers due to being too slow.


When I first encountered the problem, I checked rating differences, time to solve the problem, and score per-centages.  Nothing stood out.

I contacted the staff (and never received a response).

The problem went away, and I forgot about it.

The following times that it happened, I shrugged my shoulders and told myself that it would go away.  It did.

I have my theory about what is happening, but it's only my theory.


Let's make it happen!

ozzie_c_cobblepot wrote:

I can't tell from the comments. Is this a bug with the algorithm which chooses the next problem, or is it a bug with the calculation of the rating change?

This seems to be an error algorithim which chooses the next problem.  It is consistently 200 - 300 points lower than the actual rating.  For everyone having the same problem, I did receive a response from the staff.  They indicated that I should choose a problem at my former rating manually and do some of those problems correctly.  Perhaps I have misinterpreted their advice, but I cannot figure out how to do this and have the problems count toward my rating.  I know I can select 'View Problems' from the Tactics Trainer menu and then from there select individual problems based on their rating, but these are done in training mode and do not count toward the Tactics Trainer rating.


Let's make it happen!