
New Android App


Dear team,

since yesterday there is a new Android App wich i really welcome, but there are a few bugs that make the app

unusabl, at least for me. I mostly do tactic training on my phone. And the Tactic trainer has got some issues:


from time to time the app tells me that i'v reaches my daily limit which is odd since i'm a premium member.

Most frequently and reproducable is it when i end a training session, and then start a new one, i start with the last training-problem of the last session, and after that i get the afore mentioned message of the reached limit.


everything seems normal, i fail some tactics, i pass some tactics, i get points, i loose points. But when i view my latest activity in a browser, all test i did with the android app show up as failed. This messes up my statistics of failed vs. passed tests. ( if you need a screenshot, just let me know)


This problem is realy anoying and makes the app unusable for me. when i fail a tactics problem, and click "solution" the app just jumps to the end position without showing the moves. this way i'm not able to learn with this tool.

this might be a performance issue, but on the other hand

i have a brand new Sony Experia P which has a 1,5 GHz-Qualcomm-Dual-Core-Prozessor and running Android 4.0.4.

please fix these problems asap.




I have been experiencing issues 1 and 3 also.

Additionally, when starting a new tactic, after the opponent does its first move, the in-game back arrow (the one that shows me the board's state before the most recent move) does not work.


I haven't upgraded, and it sounds like I should wait. 

Has anyone tested the new version to see if it's possible to play Black against the computer yet? The version I have doesn't let me move the pieces.


yes you can play as black on the latest 2.0.6 version.

*hwill can you go into the app and find the app version?

settings /applications /manage applications /

The version is on the top right corner


It should be 2.0.6


hi kohai,

thanks for your reply.

yes i have checked the version and its 2.0.6

an additinal problem i have experienced today is that sometime during the day i checked my mobile only to find that the battery was drained completely which has never happend to me before.

checking the power consumtion history i found the app has used 27% of my battery (thats twice as much as the OS ! 14% ) without being active at all. The app just ran in the background, with the phone being in sleep mode the whole time.


I too am getting the daily limit reached. I have got this on my Ipad, and my android phone.


and here is a screenshot of problem 2)


the energy consuption is down to 2% now. don't know what happend there.


Bug fixes added, can the Android users please update to 2.0.7


Hi Kohai,

thanks for your answer. I updated to 2.0.7 and tested quickly, and it seems that none of the problems 1-3 are solved.

plus there is another problem:

4) when you reach a mate position while in analyse mode, the app tells you that you've won/lost the game and gives you the option to start a new game or return to the home screen, you can not return to the actual game or the currently analysed position. this is quite annoying.


the problem with the energy consumption seems fixed now, it is so low that its not even in the statistics anymore.





The only problem that I've found with version 2.0.7 is that it sends "false" notifications. Also, sometimes, it looks like it is opening more than one instance of the app.


@mzacchi do you use the tactics trainer ? if yes have you checke your recent activity ?


Also getting bad notifications with 2.0.7.


i've now tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app , but all problems are still there.

can anyone test for problem no. 2 and see if the problem is there for someone else or if its just me ?


ok testing that now


Replicated. I'll get this fixed.


@hwill tactics trainer statistics seem to be OK for me on the website. I am THAT bad :P 


hey mzacchi thanks for testing 


I'm still having false notifications and my tactics trainer telling me that I've hit my daily limit when I'm a premium member...did the un-install/ dice. everything is still broken


O.K. updated to 2.0.71 and Problem 2) is solved !

1) and 3) still there.