
Rating System?


Hi, I was wondering how the rating systems works on this site.  I was at a rating of 1470 and I lost to a 1468 player.  I lost 29 points!!!!  I dropped down to a 1449 rating.  That is pretty harsh if you ask me and not in line with a real FIDE rating sytem.  But my next game I played I won.   I beat a 1634 rated play yet I gain 0 points!!!!  Why?  I beat a stronger playe and I remained at 1449.   How is that possible?


Were you playing rated or unrated ? If you were playing unrated the points will not change if you win or lose .


I just looked at your games. Your win against the 1634 was unrated lmao. The reason you lost 29 points afainst the 1468 is likely because you have played so few games. It will stabilize when you play more games.


Edit: The current game you have with the same 1600 is also unrated FYI (It is clearly labeled)


ok, thanks for the feedback.