
Redirection to other websites



Often when I am playing on the website is redirected to unserious sites like "".

This happens only on and only on the game site.

My notebook with windows 8 and IE10 was checked by an expert, it is not infected. (Or let's say nothing was found.)

I use avast antivrus, malwarebytes, adwcleaner, combofix, gmer, jrt and roguekiller. Of course not at the same time, but about once a week. Everyday I clean my browser with ccleaner. All these are well known programs with good reputation.

But still, when I am playing at, after some time the IE is redirected to some dubious websites. Flashplayerupdate, Adobe Update, even once a windows update website. Of course these are all fakes and trying to put some malware on my system.

All other websites I am visiting make no problem.

So my questions are:

What is the difference between e.g. Wikipedia, which I visit very often and stay there for long time and

Is it the use of flashplayer I need to play here, is it java or javascript?

What is implented in the website that makes my notebook vulnerable?

I searched the forums and I found no other player having this problem, so it must be on my notebook. But it happens only when I am playing chess here. So there must be a connection between my redirection problem and the way the live website is working.

I fight this problem now already for months, checked and cleaned my notebook again and again, but the redirections still happen. And there is a newer problem: When I play here for a long time, 1 or 2 hours, this explorer download message arises asking me if I want to download file or another ....js file. This is as far as I know javascript.

So when I am playing here, about every half hour I am redirected and/or I am asked to download something. This makes playing not real fun and I lost many games because of that fact.

Some expert out there, with help, with a good advice? Please, if there is a real expert, help me. I would already be glad if i would understand what's happening here.

No general answers like use another browser, or reinstall windows. For personal reasons I can't change the browser.

Thx for help



              There IS a java problem, and thread. Adobe update, and flash player update are legit. I think your using TOO many cleaners. Let me guess; there all free. Haveyou submitted a ticket for Jaclyn??  I find it hard to beleive she can't help you. What makes you think the're ALL fake sites?  Is it httpS.  Your using 7 cleaners.


          Your system was checked by an expert. Even thow he didn't find anything, what did he say was the problem??


            I'm no expert, but I'm sorry, what could you have on your computer that would require 7 cleaners. Even NASA doesn't have 7. You said you use Avast, with a good reputation. eehhh!   Norton, MaCaffee, Avast,--50/50.


         In my opinion; that's your problem. Jesus, 7 cleaners. The're fighting each other. Put what you need to save,(pictures,tax returns,work files) on a flash-drive, and use 1 maybe 2 cleaners. And NOT the free versions. You get what you pay for.


          I would think the wikipedia site would be infected more so than


           yeshman; go start another nonsense thread someplace. I'm trying to help this guy.


Use Firefox with AdBlockPlus and you'll never have any problems with malicious Javascript in ads.  Cling to IE for whatever "personal" reasons you're alluding to, and.. you will.

It is raining cats and dogs out there.  Being in a limo will take you to your destination quicker and keep you drier than walking with 7 raincoats.


         Green Castle;  I love your post, but I'm thinking he's young with no money. I'm guessing he has to share the com with a sibling, who probably needs a program for school. I forgot to mention fake sites allways want to download an .exe file. If its .execute, be wearry, check your local computer geek.


Until now all comments are not helpful. The fact that you do'nt know the programs I'm using shows me, you talk about something you do not understand.

But to take it serious, I´ll answer your comments.

What am I doing on wikipedia? I learn and inform myself.

These update sites are fakes, trying to install malware on my computer. My system is completely updated, including java and flashplayer.

The different programs I use are for different kind of infections, like virusses, malware, rootkits, trojans, fake registry entries, browser hijacking.

Of course only one program is constantly running, it is avast antivirus, which has a good reputation. The other programs I use sometimes to scan my system. All experts use several programs to clean an infected computer

No I am not a young man with no money, and no sibling uses my computer. I am a 53 year old musician and music teacher from Germany with quite a lot technical understanding. But for this problem it seems not enough.

So a comment from a real expert, which I am not, would be highly appreciated.


           Wait a minute; I just looked at his profile page. He's been here for 5 months, and there's nothing wrong with that, but he's started 5 threads about IT connection problems. Now I feel even more sorry for him. Remember when you were trying to keep your life together with scotch tape, and rubber bands??  He's not in the same league as you and I with AdBlock.


       Cliff;  don't pay any attention to yeshman, he's a troll. He wants to ask your opinion about Wiki, when your problem is IT.


Comments come faster than I can answer...

I am no poor villain from Micronesia, and no bongo drum brings me the newest information...

I started playing chess online when some of you were probably still kids...

I got a high tech notebook and a fast cable connection, can reach about 50Mbit/s.


             Well then, what's the problem??  Have you submitted a ticket to IT support. You've been here long enought.  I can understand seeking opinions before disturbing the staff, but; you've got a high tech notebook, with fast cable, and 7 cleaners.  I have an old Dell tower, with slow speed, 1 anti virus, and AdBlock, with NO IT problems, and no re-direction.


Please be helpful and nice.

I disabled meta-refresh in IE, which is the function that enables automatic redirections from a website.

I copied the disliked websites into the Hosts-Editor, which normally stops the unwanted urls. My computer was checked by an expert group here in Germany, which is specialized in cleaning heavily infected computers.

But nothing helps, still I am redirected, but only when playing chess here at




           Your computer was checked by experts, who specialize in heavy infections???    Your way over my head. Sorry, I thought I could help you.                  But yeshman; you are a troll. You've been here 4 days, have played 0 games, have 0 friends, started 5 nonsense threads, and 143 people have looked at your profile. That's 35 people a day. By definition; that's a troll. I was here for 6 months before I put 1 post in someone else's thread.

Cliff-Gallup wrote:

Until now all comments are not helpful. The fact that you do'nt know the programs I'm using shows me, you talk about something you do not understand.

That's a rather condescending response.  I thought you wanted people to help you?  The fact of the matter is: your most reliable course of action is to go to and download a browser that allows you to protect yourself from these problems.


I have this same problem using chrome. Only seems to have it. It happens when playing games. 
