
Resign or not to Resign


That is the question. Anyone wishing to give advice? Just curious as to what some of you way more experienced players would do here. I am rated novice below 1000. Just trying to learn for the best. 


That is an ongoing game.  Asking for advice is the same as cheating.



You know. That is a good point I did not think about being so new to the game. But then again, I am not asking for my best move here. Just opinions on if I should resign or not to be courteous to my opponent and not waste his time if I have no chance at winning. Is that cheating as well? Sorry for the mistake if so. Just another learning experience. The opponent is a friend trying to help me at no cost to him and I do not want to waste his time for no reason.

Best Regards. dlg and thanks for your quick response.


grubs4chess wrote:

You know. That is a good point I did not think about being so new to the game. But then again, I am not asking for my best move here. Just opinions on if I should resign or not to be courteous to my opponent and not waste his time if I have no chance at winning. Is that cheating as well? Sorry for the mistake if so. Just another learning experience. The opponent is a friend trying to help me at no cost to him and I do not want to waste his time for no reason.

Best Regards. dlg and thanks for your quick response.


Undesrstood, but since it is an ongoing game, asking for advice is the same as cheating (even though that may not be your intention)  Your best thing to do is to delete this post.




Understood. And I will comply if I can figure out how. I am a Microsoft Systems Engineer and this site is certainly not the best intuitive site. Although, I have seen many a lot worse.  Have a great weekend. Thanks for the advice. dlg.

grubs4chess wrote:

Understood. And I will comply if I can figure out how. I am a Microsoft Systems Engineer and this site is certainly not the best intuitive site. Although, I have seen many a lot worse.  Have a great weekend. Thanks for the advice. dlg.

Just click on Delete.  

Thanks and same to you!


No delete button in sight. In a game right now, but I will figure out how to remove it in a bit. 


grubs4chess wrote:

No delete button in sight. In a game right now, but I will figure out how to remove it in a bit. 


In your first post, in the upper right corner.


If you are on v3, you have to hover over the post header area to show the the options.


That said, if it is a friendly game, just ask your friend what he thinks. 


Being rated a bit higher I would definitely resign this position in an OTB game (maybe not in bullet or blitz though). However, as you are rated 600 there is no need to resign. My policy for serious games is only to resign when I am sure that there are no tricks in the position and the only way to save the game is a ringing cell phone. So the better you and your opponents get the sooner should you resign.


Thanks Martin and Jenium. Good comments. However, I was asked to remove this post due to me asking for advice on an ongoing game. Although, I was not asking for my best move, which would actually be cheating on my part, I was simply asking should I resign as a courtesy to not waste my opponent's time. Being new to the game and forum, I will delete the post as advised. Thanks for your responses. I am in a game at the moment and will delete the post when done. Have a great weekend...dlg


By the way, you can only delete the posts, not the topic. I'll go ahead and remove the diagram and link to the game.


Thank you. Anything else I need to do?



No, you're fine.


Great. Thanks again.


GodsPawn2016 and Boyangzhao,

I feel that you are being very rude and nasty to a newcomer. I, too, am a novice and have NEVER received responses like this. I made friends with this man and find him to be very kind. Is bullying your thing?  If so, how very sad.

You are both in my prayers..... believe me, you need it!!!!!!


Thanks Sunshine. I thought so as well, but I am not an aggressive type. It is what it is. Call me before I get on another game. I don't have your number. 



Neither of them were nasty at all. You were violating the rules (which can get your account closed) and they were letting you know. Calling that bullying or nasty is just absurd.


I agree Archie. They were not nasty or mean. I little blunt or rude maybe. But they were just following the rulebook. But sometimes you can be nice about it.