
Saving an Annotation before Completed


One time, I was almost done with an annotation, but they recommended that I save it since it was over a half an hour.  They said, click preview and save, but the problem is that I did not know how to get to that preview button.  This brings me to an important question.  If I'm in the middle of an annotation here but can't finish it right away, how do I save it?  What do I click on, and how do I get to the preview?  This is important because I don't want to lose what I'm annotating.


Yes you can save with the preview button. The next time you return to that forum you will see the box below. When you come back to the forum just click on Delete / Edit / Submit. To look at it again or continue before Submitting just Click on Edit it will be as you left it but no one else can see it until you click Submit. :) Hope that helps. 


NOTE: Your comment has not yet been posted. This is only a preview!



Actually, this is what I have been wanting to ask.  But, I found a different solution.  So, what I did was stay online and did not leave the fen.  Then, I was, successfully, able to annotate the game.  And, it saved.  Now, I have another question because one reason I annotated this was for learning, of course.  But, the other reason is that there is a team that I would like to be able to copy and paste what I annotated and the subject.  My question is how do I do this because when I tried it didn't let me.  Note: The annotation is called, Getting Overly Confident, which I annotated a few minutes ago.


Joey, go to the game you annotated, then click that box under the knight with the arrow in it. That will give you an option to copy the pgn with your annotations.


Ok, I will try this.  But, am not sure, if it'll work.  I will try the first move or so, as an experiment, once again.  And, I'll see where I can go.


Ok, I just figured it out, but it's not as easy as it appears.  That's because it isn't just a plain save.  Instead, you have to copy and paste the position.