
Stuck with a corrupt problem


The same problem keeps coming up, and it won't finish. Whatever I do to quit out, even killing all of Firefox via task manager, when I go back and press "start training" I get this same problem again, still with the message, "This tactic is corrupt or has problems with the PGN."

I can't give you the problem number:  the problem hasn't finished, so its ID remains hidden.  The problem *can't* finish; I move a piece, and yet it remains my move.   Maybe you can hash to find the problem in question.  Starting position: (White) Kg1, Re1, Ph2, Pg2, Pc2, Pb2, Pa2, Pf3, Qg4, Re8; (Black) Rd8, Ph7, Pg7, Pa7, Kg6, Pb6, Qd5, Nc5, Rd1.  Black starts with the move Kg6-f7.

This problem is like a dog with its jaws clamped on my pants cuff.   Please pull it off me.


This issue seems to have abated.  Is that just by chance, or did technical staff intervene?


SAME WITH PROBLEM ID: 0025198. It kept saying it was my move even though I moved.