
Trap Page


Is it possible to set up a page where  members might make subheadings in which postings can be made?


What I'm thinking of is a page devoted to traps in different openings where a member can come, create a heading for say, the Ruy Lopez and post a trap he knows in the Lopez and other can also post Lopez traps they know. Someone else may come later and create a heading for the Danish Gambit, etc. and the content, and knowledge base, will grow exponetially.


If possible, I think this would be organized and valuable content that one may not find elsewhere.

yeah thats a good idea. But doesnt the online club group hussler already have a section on that?

thanks batgirl.

well, essentially that is why we created the Chessopedia. :) we wanted people to be able to aggregate content and add to it over time. if chessopedia doesn't fit that need, can you suggest why not? perhaps because it is not categorized? should we add categories like "People", "Openings", "History", etc? would that help?


weeeeellllll... chessopedia doesn't fit my original conception. Everything would be too scattered and incohesive, I would think. For instance, one would need to know the opening name and variation name in order to located it. So if I were looking for traps in the Italian Game, I may not locate them because they're listed separately under Guioco Piano, Guioco Pianissimo, Evans' Gambit, Two-Knight's Defence etc...., I could almost see Chessopedia working if there was a listing under "Traps" with a listing, or a drill-down menu, of all the various openings by name (alongs with the identifying moves) that would link directly to each specific corresponding chessopedic page. In fact the page could be made, but empty, other than the move order, waiting to be filled with content...

But if the same page is used to define opening variations, and the "traps" become intertwined, two things that are quite similar, yet very distinctly different, then locating information become a major chore.  

Maybe littleman is right in his implication that such things can be found in certain clubs if one is interested?


I guess batgirl would like to have a submenu added on chess traps, separate from Chessopedia or other submenu.  Good idea especially for blitz players.
great feedback. i will consider!

I think batgirl is on to something very nice in terms of organizing knowledge. This isn't limited to opening traps (I believe she just gave that as an example). You could also have a category for endgames.  You click on endgames and you get a menu of "rook endgames", "pawn endgames", "bishops of opposite colors", etc. Then you could also have a category for "Rooks" and you click on it and get "Rooks on open files" "rooks on the 7th rank" "rook sacrifices" and also "rook endgames", the last one is cross referenced from the endgames menu.


Obviously, it's a lot of information to put together, but if simply adds the structure for it, the users would add the content. Like a menu driven chess wiki. 

good points. we will revisit after finishing some of the other things in the pipes!

I think that adding categories to Chessopedia would be great I am not sure that it would fulfill batgirl's desires, but it would be really helpful when searching through it.  I have found myself searching for opeings endgame articles without knowing the name of them and its tought to find them the way it is currently set up. 



The Queen's Gambit entry of the chessopedia has been missing since I joined . . weird!  What is it they don't wan't us to know?