
Your automated support system is an absolute JOKE!!! Here's why...


I have just sent this email to


I'm writing to inform you of a number of bugs on your site.

Firstly, I encountered a 'puzzle' (1026402) that was incorrect. I have left a comment on the puzzle explaining why I believe it to be incorrect. To summarise again here, after the first move for black the engine lists 4 roughly equal moves for white - this seems like a lot to expect people to calculate. A few moves later, white makes a blunder where the engine lists 2 alternative moves that maintain an equal position instead of this losing move - this shouldn't happen in a puzzle with a "correct" solution.

Next, I attempted to log a bug report but when I click on the 'report a bug' option, the chat window closes and nothing happens. I'm using Google chrome.

With that in mind, I've attempted to contact support on the site but the chat bot just ends my conversations without connecting me to a human. Despite the heading saying you respond in minutes or the numerous automated messages I've had telling me someone would be in touch within 24 hours, here I am emailing you 48 hours after the initial query having had NO response at all.

 Automation is great, but it needs to actually work properly to avoid frustrating people!!

Minutes after sending this, I get ANOTHER F***ING AUTOMATED response telling me to take the steps above to contact someone, which I'm trying to explain to you DON'T WORK!!! HOW DO I GET A F***ING ANSWER FROM AN ACTUAL F***ING PERSON INSTEAD OF HAVING A F***ING BOT SEND ME ROUND IN F***ING CIRCLES??? 


its just a puzzle

medelpad wrote:

its just a puzzle

I don't care about the puzzle, it's the getting bumped around by an AI instead of talking to an actual person - posting here is literally the only way I can get around the AI


This puzzle has been removed from rotation.


Thanks for the update, as mentioned above though the puzzle isn't so much the issue.

I'm more concerned about the fact that "Report a bug" doesn't allow me to report a bug and "Contact support" doesn't allow me to contact anyone, the bot just closes the conversation and says someone will respond within 24 hours. And add to that that if I email, I still get an automated response telling me to use the "Contact support" feature which, as mentioned above, doesn't put me in contact with anyone!


I've tested both on multiple devices and browsers without issue. My guess is there's some other software (browser extension/plug-in or security software or configuration) that is interfering with the code from loading. The site uses tools from different providers to implement those features and the code loads from those domains.


So how is anyone supposed to contact someone if the above error occurs?

sten_88 wrote:

So how is anyone supposed to contact someone if the above error occurs?

There is a support email address but I'm not certain how that's being integrated into the new support system.

Unfortunately, the site can't control all the different potential client configurations that can cause code not to work. Some potential options are to use a different browser or a private/incognito window to see if that works. Disabling any plug-ins or extensions might allow the code to load.


The new Contact Support system is new to all of us. We are trying to figure it out too.


I just learned that the email has been disabled.

justbefair wrote:

I just learned that the email has been disabled.

As mentioned above, that email sends an automated response saying to use the new support system - which was the whole point of this post...if the new system is broken (for some) and everything else points you towards it, how do you contact someone?


You might check your browser third-party cookie settings. Both the bug report and support code are from external locations that loads, so if your browser is blocking that, it will cause problems.


Amazing that they can't answer a question as simple as "how to contact support" once the support email has been disabled. It's almost as if they don't want you to contact support, but surely that can't be the case ...


I've had the same problem, so @Martin_Stahl:

Is it possible that the Microsoft Edge extension 'uBlock Origin' interferes with the bug report and support code? (It is now showing me that 6 external links are blocked and 4 out of 7 domains are connected .)

Sten_88 makes a very good point that I'll repeat here "if the new system is broken (for some) and everything else points you towards it, how do you contact someone?".

If both of us have had the same difficulty, you have a potentially large number of frustrated users that have no way of reporting issues to

I'm commenting here as I've been unable to find alternative methods to reach customer support.

mchescomhi wrote:

I've had the same problem, so @Martin_Stahl:

Is it possible that the Microsoft Edge extension 'uBlock Origin' interferes with the bug report and support code? (It is now showing me that 6 external links are blocked and 4 out of 7 domains are connected .)


Absolutely, that could be causing issues and very likely is.