
Clock run-downer and server shutdown


I just found a nice feature by live chess application. I was just playing a guy (probably will report him in a separate post) in 15+10 live game while the server shut-down in 30 min message pops up. Obviously there isn't enough time to finish the game since it just started. Anyway, my opponent managed to blundered a piece away right in the opening and got his knight trapped later on (after Q+R are traded). So I would probably win the game easily in the end game. Instead of resigning the game, the guy just kept his clock running and apparently hoping to avoid a loss by server shutdown. 

Amazingly just 1 min before server shutdown, the message "the game abandoned and you won!" pops up. I suspect this is a new feature combating those clock rundowners in lost positions (can someone from confirms on this?). 

One further improvement on I could think of is that long games like 15+10 shouldn't even be allowed to get started if a server shutdown is scheduled in 30 mins or so.


Thanks for the tip! Just submitted the idea to the staff, thanks!