
Kindergartners Thinking Chess


Here is an article about the Illinois Chess Teachers organization and their efforts to get scholastic children involved in chess: 


The Windsor Elementary School is set to hold a chess tournament where more than 150 kids will participate from many of the local schools. Also, every week the students receive chess lessons and play each other. The chess clubs are very popular throughout the local school district.

"Surprisingly, kindergarten students pick up on chess quickly and are fun to watch", said one of the organizers.


I'd love to do a simul with those kids and pretend I'm Kasparov for an afternoon.


Patzer24 wrote:

Here is an article about the Illinois Chess Teachers organization and their efforts to get scholastic children involved in chess: 


The Windsor Elementary School is set to hold a chess tournament where more than 150 kids will participate from many of the local schools. Also, every week the students receive chess lessons and play each other. The chess clubs are very popular throughout the local school district.

"Surprisingly, kindergarten students pick up on chess quickly and are fun to watch", said one of the organizers.

 Here in Australia we are doing very similar things and recently ran a junior tournament with 226 entries! The youngest entry was a 4 year old girl who managed to score 2.5/7!

Check it out here > 


This is a really old post. But if I reply to it, it will be seen to people.


It will be on top


:) :) :) :) :medal


Died off here, this post is older than me, imagine where these kindergartners are now?


It is a better way of living th0n to scratch your nose or to punch girls around!!