
Starting a Chess Program for Schools


I am working on a program for public schools and could use some help getting started. Any advice on developing a curriculum and business structure would be appreciated. Anyone that can help in the process please contribute or help guide me in the direction of someone who can help. I believe that chess holds a special place for us in the future, and will be working hard to bring this program to fruition. I am grateful for your support. Thanks you.


Like you I wanted to start a chess club at my children's school is a great site to start!  They have a curriculum in PDF format that you can print and follow if you don't have internet access at the school.  They have lessons, articles, videos, puzzles, fast chess, slow chess, etc.  Below is a webinar lesson I taught from one of the Notation articles.


I teach at a couple of local schools and use the curriculum for my beginner classes. For my "advanced" classes (Their ratings are still under 1000) I just improvise, those are fun!