how do you join a tournament on

Joined tournament for first time today, played one game, and don't know what happens next. Does another opponent come along automatically or have I got to do something to start Round 2?

Joined tournament for first time today, played one game, and don't know what happens next. Does another opponent come along automatically or have I got to do something to start Round 2?
In a Swiss event, you have to wait until all games in the previous round complete. Shortly after that a new round pairs

Do you want a tournament to join? Here is one: Happy New Year Tournament. FREE awards to ALL joiners! Also, trophies for top 3 winners and NO vacation allowed! Time Control: 3 days

When I joined a tournament, it is showing that I can't play because I was not there when the tournament started.

Click on achivements section and >( next page).I see medails on your profile. One very good record 16, 4, 2 in Arena as example.You can clik on medails to exhibe on your profile.