Chess Games Database
Sasa Kulic
Full name
Sasa Kulic
Jan 1, 1971 (age 53)‎
Place of birth

Total Games 19

26% Win
42% Draw
32% Loss

As White 11

45% Win
36% Draw
19% Loss

As Black 8

50% Draw
50% Loss

Sasa Kulic Chess Games

Players Result Moves Year
Sasa Kulic (2214)
Jesse Nikki February (2011)
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 French Defense: Classical, Steinitz Variation
1-0 54 2024
Sasa Kulic (2214)
Ricardo Paulos Fernandes (2078)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 a6 Sicilian Defense: French Variation
1-0 29 2024
Sasa Kulic (2214)
Luca Rey Chimera (2034)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Classical Variation
1-0 38 2024
Sasa Kulic (2214)
Simao Maciel Abranches Pintor (2061)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 Sicilian Defense: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack
½-½ 36 2024
Sasa Kulic (2201)
Kesav Viswanadha (1873)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 Scotch Game: Classical, Intermezzo Variation
1-0 52 2011
Sasa Kulic (2201)
Marc Tyler Arnold (2435)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf, Opočenský Variation
0-1 32 2011
Sasa Kulic (2201)
Darwin Yang (2416)
1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 c6 King's Indian Attack: Yugoslav Variation
0-1 50 2011
Sasa Kulic (2201)
Lev Milman (2462)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf, Opočenský Variation
½-½ 20 2011
Sasa Kulic (2192)
Julian Estrada Nieto (2380)
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Bb4 3. Nd5 a5 English Opening: Reversed Sicilian, Kramnik-Shirov Counterattack
1-0 58 2006
Sasa Kulic (2192)
Eric Lawson (2393)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Pelikán and Sveshnikov, Chelyabinsk Variation
½-½ 41 2006
Sasa Kulic (2192)
Shiyam Thavandiran (2264)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 d6 Closed Sicilian Defense: Traditional Line
½-½ 27 2006