Le Club européen

48 membros
2 de abr. de 2024
0 Events Played

The "Club européen" is an the international club, it is open to players from the old continent - that is a little (or a lot) different from the European Union. Don't see it as a political choice or ideology, it's just an idea of a Europe inclusive of all it's countries and cultures.  I also think it's fair to say that there is a European style of chess-play.



The countries already represented are : Andorra - Bulgaria - Chypre - Deutschland - France - Italia - Latvija - Österreich - Rossíïa - United Kingdom - Slovenská - Polska - Belgique - Danmark - España - Éire - Euskal Herria - УкраīнИ - Sverige - Scotland - Česko - Srbija - Catalunya - Elláda - Norge/Noreg - Vaticano - Slovensko ...


