
54th Tournament - (1200-1400)

Data de inicio: 1 de nov. de 2020

Data de finalización: 5 de feb. de 2023

Control de tempo
Partidas puntuables
Puntuación media
Intervalo de puntuación
Puntos en xogo
Tamaño máximo de grupo
# Pasan de rolda
Partidas simultáneas
Partidas rematadas
Partidas restantes
Máx. tempo medio/xogada
# de derrotas por tempo
Maior sorpresa

This is the 54th Official Tournament. It will begin November 1, so register now! NOTE: If you register now and your rating changes before the start date, you will be AUTOMATICALLY moved to the correct group when the tournament starts.

You will play up to 10 games at a time in this event.

Vacation time is allowed.

New rounds will start when ALL games in the current round are complete. If you have other questions (group size, # of people advancing, etc) please see . Good luck everyone!